I had been hoping to post a review after completing this, but first I had to play Dark Sea 1 (which itself is above my skill level, and took me hundreds of deaths to complete), and now I realize that Dark Sea 2 is even harder, so I can't promise I ever will finish. Granted, this DS1 was the first Knytt Stories level I've played for months, so I'm probably a bit rusty, but I'm in over my head, for sure.
All of the custom content is fantastic. The tilesets are completely professional, and the music does a great job in setting the mood. The save point placement is perfect for me - I never complete some insane challenge only to die right before I get to the save point. Challenges are always creative, and I've only had to refer to a Let's Play twice in order to get a solution. A good combination of physical skill and mental solving. Parts are frustrating, but I should expect that from a lunatic(-ish) level.
Here's hoping I make it through to the end (if I do, I'll add an update to my review)