During summer of 2010, I started working on a custom level editor for Knytt Stories, which I called Story Crafter, as a project to learn C#. I've worked on it now and then, and started over from scratch twice. My objectives were to combine all of my favorite features from the standard level editor, its various mods, KS Level Composer, and KS Manager in one powerful tool, to bring all the different parts of story development together in one piece of software, and to make tedious and time-consuming tasks easier and faster.
Now, Story Crafter is far from completion, and I am not currently working on it. Especially with ego's new mod and updates to GrayFace's, I'm not sure it is worth completing. However, if there is some interest in the community, I would be willing to finish it. To that end, I would like to show you what I have accomplished so far and what I had planned for the future. The editor is tab-based, so I will describe it tab by tab.
If you haven't played A Strange Dream (really?) there could be some spoilers ahead.
The overview tab allows you to review and edit the basic properties of your level. Some of the more interesting features include:
- Edits World.ini and renames folder when you change the author/title.
- Screen count.
- Uploading to knyttlevels.com directly from the editor (planned).
- A preview of Juni's recolored sprite.
Note: this screenshot is from an older version.
This should look familiar. Features:
- Select multiple tiles.
- Change size of placement tool.
- Fill and replace tools.
- Randomize tool for making grass look natural.
- "Brushes" allow you to quickly and easily replicate complex bits of scenery. Brushes could consist of a single tile layer, a single object layer, or the typical eight layers of tiles and objects.
- Show custom objects themselves instead of icons (planned).
- Convert tiles into single-frame custom objects at the click of a button. Useful for placing scenery in front of Juni (planned).
- Follow shifts and warps (planned).
- Selective copy-paste, allowing you to choose any combination of layers, screen parameters, and World.ini settings to copy (planned).
- Automatic update when tilesets/gradients are edited (planned).
A re-imagined map. If you're wondering why it's actually in the cutscenes tab, it's because an old version of the map that was just a square grid currently resides in the map tab. Features:
- Multiple zoom levels.
- Copy/delete/move multiple screens at once. When copying, absolute shifts can be "corrected" if desired (planned).
- Change tilesets/gradients/ambiance/music for multiple rooms at once (planned).
For the cutscenes tab, I was going to recreate the KS Manager interface but make it look nicer.
I hate going back and forth between the editor and the file system when I'm working. So, I decided to bring all the file management into the editor. My personal favorite feature: right click on the image to open it in one of several (user configurable) image editors. I should mention this also works on the info screen and the icon in the Overview tab.
Basically the same as the tilesets tab, but for gradients.
Music/ambiance tabs would be similar to the tilesets/gradients tabs.
The objects tab, which was never worked on in the slightest in any of the three iterations, was going to have something to do with custom objects.
- Customizable syntax highlighting!
- Ability to quickly jump to various sections of the ini, via the buttons at the top.
I've also thought about various, crazier additions to this tab, but none I'm certain I would actually code.
That's it. Let me know if you think you would use it!