I mean some great games dont need good graphics , cave story [awesome game but graphics are pixely which make it interesting
Well, there's a big difference between Cave Story, even Nifflas' Games ("simple graphics") and Soldat ("poor graphics"). Simple graphics might have a basic 2D engine and pixely graphics but still look more atmospheric, colorful and stylish. Soldat isn't really stylish, colorful and atmospheric and was made for very low screen resolution, so it looks quite blurry (though still not bad).
As for glitches - network code is horrible, a lot of times you or enemy doesnt die when he is supposed to (rocket in the face), sometimes you get stuck in polygons or can throw grenades through walls.
But I agree, graphics dont matter as much. 
Guess i did overeact

(your right at most points)
You can throw grenades through walls?!?