Now, the title for my game may seem all too similar to Night Game. It isnt really similar to NG in game play, the closest I could say this game is related to of Niff's works is the Knytt series. Night involves a mysterious man exploring his world trying to find the Light Piece to restore daytime to his homeland. He will travel across the land looking for clues as to the where-abouts of the Light Piece. Once it is found, light and happiness will be restored.
Videos: [none yet]
This post will be updated regularly with Night game information. Please leave your comments about this project here.
[April 5, 2009] Soron suggested using gradients with my graphics, but I am terrible at things like that. So, just like the music, just offer yourself up and I'd greatly appreciate the help. Like with the music, any help will be mentioned in the credits.
[April 4, 2009] I am in need of good ambient music, I have some picked out from Nifflas's creations, but I would like people to show my their works or ones that they admire.