I lack the software and know-how to make objects translucent (aka. semi-see-through) which I've so far worked around but now I'd really like to make a glowy CO to emphasise when they player has turned something on. Usually I can get away with it by placing the glow in the middle of an object so it illuminates itself, but in this case at last I have an object that will illuminate a bit of background too.
Unfortunately, as previously mentioned, I lack the ability to do this, and I use a graphics-editing program that would make at least some of you point and laugh at me.
So I'm attaching an object from the tileset 'The Temple' by Paul 'Ripen' Naumowicz. As you can see, it's basically a small, statue-like thingy with a gem(?) - normally pale blue but which I've coloured white for the CO I need - held in it.
I'd be very appreciative and might even remember to give credit if someone would be so infinitely kind as to make a CO of it where the gem gently glows (it was originally pale blue, but I've made it just off-white for the CO). It doesn't have to be overly bright but enough to be noticeable in a dark room (note the half-finished screen showing an example of context also attached).
I'd be happy with just a single frame CO, but if, out of artistic pride or whatever, you want to make the glow fluctuate a little bit, that'd be cool - especially if you could provide the code to go with it.
Thank you in advance!