Six Shots of Whiskey - Arena

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Offline Frank

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Six Shots of Whiskey - Arena
« on: November 06, 2011, 11:50:50 »
Download Six Shots of Whiskey here.

Hello world, Banditos, Priests and Pianists !

Welcome to "Six Shots of Whiskey - Arena"

=   Create your character    =
   =   Challenge other players    =
      =      Become a Legend !       =

Here are the rules :

1 - Each player choose a name
2 - Write duels in posts : "Frank challenges Nifflas : Nifflas wins !"
3 - If defeated, come back as a zombie to try and settle the score ! (write †Name† instead of Name)
4 - Winning as a zombie will increase your Zombie score. Win 5 times in a row as a zombie and you'll stay zombie !
   - As a permanent zombie, your opponents are considered Holy Fighters and must write their name as +Name+
   - You will not be able to become human again 'til you are killed 3 times in a row.
5 - Keep count of your losses/victories, it's your score !

N.B : Legendary Fighters not allowed
Spoiler: (click to show/hide)
The list will be updated with your discoveries

Good game !

[mod]Added download link to the real game, otherwise people might think you can make up a fight[/mod]
« Last Edit: November 06, 2011, 23:24:22 by Frank »


Offline Frank

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Re: Six Shots of Whiskey - Arena
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2011, 11:52:09 »
Frank challenges Nifflas = Nifflas wins
†Frank† challenges Nifflas = †Frank† wins

Town Mayor
Score -1

Zombie score : 1

Holy Score : 0
« Last Edit: November 06, 2011, 12:10:40 by Frank »


Offline NESgamer190

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Re: Six Shots of Whiskey - Arena
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2011, 00:21:11 »
NES challenges Nifflas : Nifflas is victorious via a shot to the eye
†NES† challenges Nifflas : Nifflas is victorious again by a shot to the eye.

Score:  -1

Zombie score:  -1

Holy score:  0

Nifflas is one tough cookie for double-maiming me with eyeshots.  (Adjust if I botched the post up.)
Unretired. (My DeviantArt Account.  Behold my not too good artistics.)
  (Mafia 9 pie maniac)

I really have nothing going for me for creative signatures.


Offline jetio4

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Re: Six Shots of Whiskey - Arena
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2011, 06:42:36 »
jetio challanges NES : jetio is victorious cause NES only has 1 eye.
jetio challanges †NES† : jetio is again victorious for the same reason.

^ wrong, i'm an idiot
« Last Edit: November 11, 2011, 00:42:21 by jetio4 »
i have been registered on this forum for half of my life


Offline NESgamer190

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Re: Six Shots of Whiskey - Arena
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2011, 13:17:18 »
NES challenges †Frank† : Zombie Frank prevails with a fist to my face.  Ow...  Back to zombanity.
†NES† challenges †Frank† : Frank prevails again with a face fisting once again.

Score:  -3
Zombie score:  -3
Holy score:  0

Ergh...  Enjoy the +2 to Zombanity Frank...  I think I bound myself to a bit of an...  anti-legend name.
(I do fancy the fact of me being some sort of cyclopian abomination of a barman.  I'm presuming once I get a name, I must stick to it.  Ahh well...  someone kinda could use a "glass joe" barkeep anyway.)
Unretired. (My DeviantArt Account.  Behold my not too good artistics.)
  (Mafia 9 pie maniac)

I really have nothing going for me for creative signatures.


Offline Frank

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Re: Six Shots of Whiskey - Arena
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2011, 00:02:22 »
Frank challenges jetio : Frank stares at jetio furiously while being killed by jetio's bullet between eyes.
†Frank† challenges jetio : Zombie Frank is just another dead undead dropping dead.

Extra combat (see explanation below):
$Frank$ challenges jetio : Sheriff Frank pursuit and make jetio pay for his sins.

Town Mayor
Score:  -2
Zombie score:  2
Holy score:  0
Sheriff score : 1

jetio, results are the same for everyone. Basically you can't pretend to win. jetio actually loses against NES and against †NES†.
If you didn't yet downloaded the game, you can do it at the top of my first post, thanks to Mods.

So I'm putting some scores up-to-date, if I'm not mistaken :

Score : -2
Zombie score : -2
Holy score : 0
Sheriff score : 0

Score : -1
Zombie score : 1
Holy score : 0
Sheriff score : 0


Offline jetio4

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Re: Six Shots of Whiskey - Arena
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2011, 00:42:08 »
FFF I'm an idiot.
i have been registered on this forum for half of my life


Offline Denis

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Re: Six Shots of Whiskey - Arena
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2012, 22:42:23 »
Judas challenges NES. NES dies.

Bar Pianist
Score 1
Zombie score:  0
Holy score:  0
Sheriff score : 0
Son of prometheus


Offline Denis

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Re: Six Shots of Whiskey - Arena
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2012, 16:57:17 »
I found a hero who can actualy manage to beat Whiskey. I haven't tried him on Sara though... no Sara beats him. Anyhow, his name is Joker.
Son of prometheus