Another Strange Dream [Medium] [Environmental] [Puzzle]

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Offline James O.

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This is a level designed to be a sequel to Nifflas "A Strange Dream." The two levels are not at all the same though. They only share the "dream" theme.

I created the tilesets and music myself, as well as the cutscene art. I wanted to make something that was mostly my own.

The art style is more gritty than a usual KS tileset. Normally this sort of thing doesn't work with Kyntt Stories' clean art style, but I think it works really well in my level.

The art style was inspired by a mix of Yoshi's Island and New Super Mairo Bros.

There are 2 secrets in this level, here are some general hints as to where to find them:
Spoiler: (click to show/hide)

I created the tilesets using an application that I made specifically designed for making Tilesets. Its a wonderful program called "Pix Army Knife." Its designed for helping Pixel artists create wrapped tiling backgrounds, and other things.

To make Tiles for Knytt Stories with Pix Army Knife, just change the pixel parameters from the default 16 to 24.

You can download both my Pixel Editor and my Knytt Stories level on my site here:

There's also more screen-shots of both my application and my KS level there. So go check it out! Tell me what you think.


Offline PeppyHare4000

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Re: Another Strange Dream [Medium] [Environmental] [Puzzle]
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2011, 00:37:12 »
I got the secret ending before the normal ending. Believe it or not... :P

Decent Level... A good way to pass time.


Offline Talps

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Re: Another Strange Dream [Medium] [Environmental] [Puzzle]
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2011, 01:55:27 »
Looked pretty, but it would have been 1000 times better with music.
Only real complaint other than that was the lack of saves in the desert. But it was a decent, ok level. Only found the normal ending at the moment.

Also, this isn't 'environmental'; environmental levels have no challenges or puzzles - just pure eye-candy.


Offline TheYeIIowDucK

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Re: Another Strange Dream [Medium] [Environmental] [Puzzle]
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2011, 09:58:56 »
Just finished it. Great level! I still haven't found the secret ending though... Not even in the level editor
Anyway, this is a great artistic level. I always was fond of floating islands, and this level shows everyone how a floating island should be done.
But, as pretty as this level is, it doesn't play well. First of, I wouldn't classify it as an environmental level. Although easy, Another Strange Dream has some challenges in it (specifically - the umbrella tunnel inside the island's "sewers").
Also, I'm with Talps on the music and desert subjects. This level lacks music; and even if it was designed to be silent, it would have benefited a lot from some background songs. The desert should have at least one more save point. I died in it 4 times and it's horribly frustrating to run back three screens just to die again from a different cactus in the next one.
Still, with these issues aside, Another Strange Dream is a great Knytt Stories level. I would rather not call it a sequel to "A Strange Dream", as it has very little connection to Nifflas' great exploration level, and your level differs a lot from it (both in the art style and the gameplay style).

Seeing as this level (and this entire thread) is just a way to promote you pixel editing program I will criticize it too.
I've played around Pix Army Knife for a while. It's a nice program, and while I wouldn't use it for "regular" Knytt Stories design (creating whole tilesets) its simplicity and easiness of use make it a perfect program to be used alongside with Paint.NET or something like that. One major criticism I find in it are the palettes which come with it. I love the idea of pre-made palettes, each designed for a specific "mood" or "environment", but the low quantity of palettes coming with the program and their low quality are just a turn off.
For the program's next version I suggest adding more palettes and adding more colors to the existing ones.


Offline James O.

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Re: Another Strange Dream [Medium] [Environmental] [Puzzle]
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2011, 11:46:27 »
Hmm... I didn't like how it felt with music, personally. I did have more songs here and there, but it didn't feel right in my opinion. But to each their own.

I was a bit confused about the categories. I'll change that soon.

I can agree with the desert area. I guess I didn't notice the lack of saves while testing it myself. I became so used to the positions of the cacti that I didn't have a problem avoiding them after the 100th time. I didn't have anyone else beta test for me really.

About the app's palette criticism, I don't really think its a fair criticism. I have the impression that you didn't really give it more than a passing glance.

If you click the 'Current Color' box, it brings up the standard Windows custom-color picker, giving you the standard 16 million color options. You aren't limited to the pre-set palettes, you are limited to 16 million colors like any high end graphics editor. The 'Read Me.txt' also says that the palettes are easily inter-changeable -- they are just small png files, so you can easily create your own if you don't like them. And if you can't be bothered to make your own, you can download millions more palettes via this wonderful website here (which is where most of them are from):

I've designed it so that you can just drag-n-drop any image files into the palettes folder for expandability. So I don't really think there is a problem with the palette feature at all. Most programs don't even include a large palette like this. Its just as capable as any other graphics editor. I'd actually say its Pix Army Knifes strongest suit.


Offline TheYeIIowDucK

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Re: Another Strange Dream [Medium] [Environmental] [Puzzle]
« Reply #5 on: June 27, 2011, 12:14:21 »
I can agree with the desert area. I guess I didn't notice the lack of saves while testing it myself. I became so used to the positions of the cacti that I didn't have a problem avoiding them after the 100th time. I didn't have anyone else beta test for me really.

About the app's palette criticism, I don't really think its a fair criticism. I have the impression that you didn't really give it more than a passing glance.

If you click the 'Current Color' box, it brings up the standard Windows custom-color picker, giving you the standard 16 million color options. You aren't limited to the pre-set palettes, you are limited to 16 million colors like any high end graphics editor. The 'Read Me.txt' also says that the palettes are easily inter-changeable -- they are just small png files, so you can easily create your own if you don't like them. And if you can't be bothered to make your own, you can download millions more palettes via this wonderful website here (which is where most of them are from):

I've designed it so that you can just drag-n-drop any image files into the palettes folder for expandability. So I don't really think there is a problem with the palette feature at all. Most programs don't even include a large palette like this. Its just as capable as any other graphics editor. I'd actually say its Pix Army Knifes strongest suit.

Well, you are right to say I only gave it a glance, because that's exactly what I did. I opened the software, created a tile or two and closed it. I don't have any tiles I need to make right now (all the tilesets for my next project are already finished) so I didn't have a good way to test Pix Army Knife.
I am, however, aware of the standard Windows color-choosing window built into the program.

Reading my own comment about the subject, I must admit that I've phrased it too harshly. The thing about the palettes was only a suggestion, not an actual downside to the program. It's just that the idea of themed palette charmed me, and the potential of that idea as opposed to the lack of colors in the shipped palettes was too great.
Thank you for the site though, I think that Pix Army Knife would benefit a lot from having a link to it (In a "Want more free palettes? Click here!" sense).


Offline James O.

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Re: Another Strange Dream [Medium] [Environmental] [Puzzle]
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2011, 05:11:25 »
Thanks for that play through! It really made my day. Having just lost all power for 3 full days, this was a nice thing to come back to.


Offline Salmoneous

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Re: Another Strange Dream [Medium] [Environmental] [Puzzle]
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2011, 13:54:20 »
Graphics are nice though it can be a bit messy in some screens. Exploration is nice and I also found the secret ending first, good cutscene btw. A bit empty with no creatures besides flies and ghosts (and they only come later in the level). But very good level.


Offline lilmanjs16

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Re: Another Strange Dream [Medium] [Environmental] [Puzzle]
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2011, 00:04:28 »
I quite liked this level and it was very nice looking. please make more levels!
we all love each other. and thanks to those who like my dj mixes, it makes me happy:hiddenstar: thanks AClockworkLemon! makes me feel proud


Offline hqql

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Re: Another Strange Dream [Medium] [Environmental] [Puzzle]
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2011, 01:15:17 »
Just finished it. Great level! I still haven't found the secret ending though... Not even in the level editor


Do I suck this bad at finding stuff or what?