Say, what weapons and classes do you guys use? I'm less interested about how addicted people are and more about what they use. 
Here's my complete weapon list for all classes.
Scout: Force-A-Nature,Crit-a-Cola,and the Sandman.
Soldier: Cow mangler 5000, Righteous Bison, and Equalizer.
Pyro: Backburner, Detonator, and Powerjack.
Demoman: Splendid Screen, Eyelander, and Grenade Launcher.
Heavy: Brass Beast, Shotgun, and fists.
Engineer: Wrench, Frontier Justice, and the new sparky weapon which name I can't remember.
Medic: the Solemn Vow, Quick-Fix and Overdose.
Sniper: the Machina or Bazaar Bargain, SMG, and Tribeman's Shiv.
Spy: Eternal Reward, Cloak&Dagger, and Enforcer.
I mostly play Sniper, Scout, Spy, Demoman.