I was apprehensive because of the labeling as "generic" and "nothing special", but once I started playing I felt refreshed. You've made a little bit of Knytt zen here. It's probably normal difficulty rather than easy due to some of the spiky parts.
I don't know what about you, but I find these spiky bits quite easy. To me, the hardest part of the level is just before you enter the room with the ghost eye, where have to navigate through a pit with a spark-bursting creature popping out of it. Every time I try to pass through that part I die at least 5 times.
I'm with egomassive - while this level may have been generic, it goes to show that a level needn't feature anything new or amazing to be fun to play. The areas were very nicely designed and looks good, the music was great, and the story was compelling without being convoluted. Well done!
Thank you! I personally think that the story is the weakest aspect of the level. I made it up in less than a minute when I realized there is no real objective or goal for the player.
There isn't a thing wrong with this level! Nice story, pretty environmentals, fun challenges and a great flow! You've got some good talent going and I'd love to see more from you. Well done!!!
I don't think I'll be making many more Knytt Stories levels, or at least not very soon.
There are quite a lot of rubbish ones I've made in my past under a different name. This is the first real 'professional' level I've made and it's the first one to take me more than 2 hours. I actually feel a bit burned out.
I do have an incomplete level called Night Tower. The custom tilesets and music used in Generic Level were all originally created/downloaded for Night Tower, and in the way I see it, Generic Level IS the finished Night Tower. You can see some screenshots of Night Tower in the credits.
There also is an original idea (or at least I think that it's original) that I want to toy with. I probably won't create another full-scale level just to showcase that one idea, but I do want to create an "experiment" level with a basic tileset.