That is perfect, Ultigonio.

Thank you! I'd be glad if you could contribute more to the project, all the help we can get is good help. I'm
almost done with my school year, so I'll be able to start working on laying down the base for everyone (by that I mean the surface.) I'd like everyone who is considering building the world to please put their ideas for themes down and when they will be able to work on it. Also, I have an idea for a storyline. Here it goes:
Juni is participating in a hometown bike race in hopes of (some sort of motivational item or quality). At some point during the race, her brakes give and she falls into a rushing river. She falls unconscious after trying to fight the current and awakens to find herself in an underground lake. Not knowing where she is, she sets out to explore the land which she has fallen into, trying to find her way home.
Note: Juni is unaware of the Ancient Temple or any sort of civilizations in the area, so it is assumed that she is in a foreign area, not inhabited by Knytt. This means, go wacky with CO animals and creatures.