I'm not sure a Global Mod can triple post, but I guess the rules don't apply to you guys. (hypocrites much? XP)
Anyone can triple post; unless it's THEIR TOPIC and they need to bump it for an update and nobody had posted since the last post they had made, they will usually be kindly told that triple-posting is bad and please stop.[/backseatmoderating]Anyway, yeah, he made all of these. They're great time-wasters on airplanes if you have an iPod or other MP3 player.
you've listened to these on airplane rides?
outer space rides?
When I go to Singapore during summer break, I'll have about 24 hours on a plane. I'll be sure to put some of these on my iPod. Thanks for the suggestion Kas!
Thanks for the suggestion Kas!
you will like them and not get tired. though you might run out of mixes to listen to as I don't have a full day's worth of mixes yet.