I'll get back to you on these. Also, it would be a good idea to tell us what type of level these are in the topic, like, if they're challenges, put [Challenge] before the subject.
Ok, thank you but I myself don't klnow how to classify these. Btw, when I said short, I ment SHORT. If yo uwere jsut running through not actualy taking the time to look at everything, you could speed run Rain in about 30 seconds...
Well, don't worry. I took my time...But it was still short.
Anyway, I'd classify them as Enviromnental, becasuse there's no real challenge, just scenery. But even then, it doesn't have much scenery. I'd suggest playing a few environmentals yourself so you can get a good feeling of how to work things.
(But I really liked that one guy saying his friend that drowned was still with him. :))
Oh, and, in Rain, it seemed that you didn't know how to erase stuff. You can erase tiles by selecting the upper-left tile in the tileset and clicking on what you want to erase. To erase whole screens, you can go to "Screen" and "Erase."
[shamelessadvertisement]Might I suggest
my environmental, The Terrain Deviates?