The website that's been eating all my time recently is down today, so I finally found time to add the finishing touches to my newest level,
Thanks to my slowly learning to be good at this level design lark, the difficulty for this level is less suspect than my
previous two
levels (which are worth playing anyway!).
It's artistic, and whatever plot there is I can't describe without ruining it, which isn't to say there isn't a plot: you get to work it out for yourself.
There is one screenshot below, but to see more, all you have to do is click on the download link and wait!
Best played in fullscreen mode.
After more than a few years, Petals of a Dying Flower has been updated!
Please note that the level is now KS+ exclusive.
- For better or worse, altered the upgrade room to look how I originally wanted, but couldn't make work back in the day.
- Altered text in prison secret room so it makes a sentence now.
- Made lazy lever door in hologram screen less lazy.
- Removed the most annoying pop-out spikes in all of history.
- Copywrited music has been removed and replaced (I'm a little older; I'm a little wiser...).
- Made this cave look more like a cave.
- Freed up pathfinding around the big cavern.
- Made it easier to leave the secret area without immediately dying.
- Updated tileset to make this area more visually interesting.
- Changed the colour of daylight from sketchy yellow to curious blue.
- Added this area's secret area with none of the drama that put me off adding it back in the day, mostly because I know how flags work now.
- Set Vegetal Gibber on the case of making the final screen look awesome.
- Corrected link for 'October Air'.
- Replaced credit for copywrited music with credit for non-copywrited music.
- Replaced final screen image for one with a less wonky horizon.
- Added Loaf.
- Added a huge reward for those who find all four secret areas.
- Removed the huge reward for those who find all four secret areas, as it will now be released as a separate level.
- Wrote a changelog that was hardly facetious at all!
- Edited rather needy first post of forum thread.
- Added Loaf.