KS Round Robin - Reloaded

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Re: KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« Reply #45 on: May 26, 2012, 02:04:30 »
Here's a mock-up to make her into Juni. Dress bottom changed, legs moved forward, feet made bigger, boobs made smaller.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2012, 02:06:44 by GrayFace »


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Re: KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« Reply #46 on: May 26, 2012, 03:48:59 »
Cool.  You sure get into the details my friend.  I bet you hate it when people say things like, "lets just do a half ass-ed, quick job on this."

As for me, I find it kinda strange to see too much expression on Juni's face.  Her blank stair is like a mask over an everyman/woman.  

Not that I'm saying you should change anything, just throwing out 2 cents.

Edit:  Didn't see grayfaces until now.  Even though Juni is suppose to be a tiny knytt, your Juni looks really good grayface.  The legs seem too long for a knytt, yet somehow they look better too.


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Re: KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« Reply #47 on: May 26, 2012, 19:20:11 »
Edit:  Didn't see grayfaces until now.  Even though Juni is suppose to be a tiny knytt, your Juni looks really good grayface.  The legs seem too long for a knytt, yet somehow they look better too.
Indeed, they are a bit too long. Guess the bottom of the dress should be lowered, but it should be done carefully. It should look like she has short legs, but not like her legs are covered with a long dress.


Offline egomassive

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Re: KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« Reply #48 on: May 27, 2012, 14:06:15 »
The level changes I'm making are almost complete. You can play the game from beginning to end now. Aside from cabin interiors, my biggest level contribution is in tweaking the logic. There were so many tiny things like doors with the wrong sounds, sign bubbles with poor placement, shifts that shouldn't be quantized, etc. I made some mistakes myself. I completely forgot about the bug where music doesn't play after cutscenes, so I had to work around that. One cool feature is the the custom objects I've added work in normal KS, but have advanced behaviors when played with my KS mod. 8)

I'll probably have it posted later today, so someone can work on the final areas. Then, I'll work on cutscenes separately. Speaking of which, GrayFace, I like your rework of my Juni. I had tried to draw her in a coat and past-the-knees skirt because of the weather, but I didn't make her big enough for those details to come through.


Offline sergiocornaga

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Re: KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« Reply #49 on: May 27, 2012, 15:24:11 »
Sounds like you've put a lot of work into the level. I look forward to seeing the changes.

I've come up with some ideas for the reactor tourist path, so once you've posted the level I'd love to get to work on that. I'll be impressed if we can make this level have a path to the end that is entirely environmental if the player so desires.


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Re: KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« Reply #50 on: May 27, 2012, 21:38:13 »
OK. I've got to hand this off, or I'll never move on to cutscene creation.

Download Endless Winter version e2 25.5 MB
Edit: Newer versions are available

I changed the name, by the way. I have no idea what the version number means --the last one was e1. PM me for the script if you want to see it and you're planning to take a turn.

Spoiler: Todo list (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: September 13, 2012, 15:35:34 by egomassive »


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Re: KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« Reply #51 on: May 28, 2012, 08:35:58 »
I just played through this. Overall I enjoyed it, but I do admit that I was pretty discombobulated during all running back and forth between the labs. Hopefully the cutscenes will reduce that feeling in the final game.

Also, I was thinking about working on Lab 1, but I'm not sure what's expected to be in it. I know we need the report somewhere in there, but should there be more backstory, or perhaps a challenge course (with an option to opt out, as is usual)? I guess I could read through the old thread.


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Re: KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« Reply #52 on: May 28, 2012, 12:37:46 »
I've downloaded the level and fixed a bunch of typos, not yet reached the end or started work on the tourist path, though.

Healy, I'll leave Lab 1 alone in case you decide to try your hand at it.

egomassive, if you have one handy, an updated list of flags and their uses would be a helpful addition to this thread. Otherwise, I might attempt to make one.


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Re: KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« Reply #53 on: May 28, 2012, 13:42:05 »
Yeah I had to make my own Flag purpose list to keep track of them. Should have realized you guys would need it too.
Spoiler: Flags (click to show/hide)

@ Healy: To give lost players direction, I added clues throughout the labs. They're not blatant, but they're there. There really isn't much we can do to prevent a lot of running around. I considered setting Lab 4's lobby to level 2 clearance, but Lab 4 was the only place I could find to add a clue for where to get the level 2 card. As for the story, I think I've got that covered. Besides the notes on various computers telling the science side of events, Dr. Wood will explain the accident according to his understanding. Another big chunk, will be in the "History" cutscene which gives the local religious view.

more @ Healy: I'll send you the scripts for the cutscenes. From there you can add on whatever you want. Thanks to Evil's mysterious lake, I made Lab 1 submerged which makes putting information on computers difficult. If you want to turn most of it dry that's up to you. I believe Headgrinder and I decided at some point that Lab 1 was built around an existing shrine to the negative energy pole, AKA: death god; but it's not as if we have the final say on everything.

By the way, the umbrella has been hidden in the level. Cutscene making is going great.


Offline Headgrinder

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Re: KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« Reply #54 on: May 28, 2012, 15:04:51 »
I'm without Internet on my laptop right now, but I'll DL it as soon as possible. 

Wow, pretty exciting this is getting wrapped up,


Offline Firecat

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Re: KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« Reply #55 on: May 30, 2012, 00:44:10 »
Wow, pretty nice update. Although i saw you credited me for the icicle tileset when i actually don't recall doing it myself (I think it was Ultigonio)
There's 110011 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary, Those who don't, and those who confuse it with ASCII.


Offline egomassive

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Re: KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« Reply #56 on: May 30, 2012, 02:23:27 »
:oops: It's hard to remember who did what at this point. I'll fix it when I get my next turn. Glad you liked it.
Edit: 30May2012: Finished the first cutscene. You can grab it now if you want, or you can probably get it in the next level update. I'm awfully happy with it. :)

Download EndlessWinterIntro.zip 250 KB

And, here's an icon I made for the level (see attachment.)

Edit: 2Jun2012: I've finished 2 cutscenes and started a 3rd. There will be 6 story cutscenes as well as 2 informational scenes (like the books in Gaia or A Day at the Beach.) I've decided to make a hidden cutscene as well. This brings the total to 9! Yikes! But, there are less than 7 left.

Edit: 6Jun2012: I've finished 3 cutscenes now. I'm going to wait to release anymore until I've finished them all.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2012, 07:20:58 by egomassive »


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Re: KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« Reply #57 on: June 08, 2012, 19:52:25 »
Cutscene making is still going well, 5 finished, 4 to go. Before I could make 3 of the remaining scenes I had to make the Doctor's CO. Then, I had to make a new chalkboard so you could see him better. I can put them in on my next turn, but I wanted to post them now to make sure they don't interfere with anyone else's changes.
Code: [Select]
[Custom Object 18]
;These instructions work in KS 1.2.1 and KS 1.2.ego
Offset X=12
Init AnimTo=39
Init AnimLoopBack=10
Init AnimSpeed=150
The scientist is inspired by the work of LPchip and Raicuparta. The chalk board is inspired by the work of LPchip.


Offline sergiocornaga

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Re: KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« Reply #58 on: June 09, 2012, 02:45:53 »
Looking good! Were you still planning to make a robot CO to replace the guy in the reactor? I ask because I'm making a bunch of modifications to those rooms for the tourist path and I'm wondering if I should throw a few 'beeps' into his existing dialogue while I'm at it.


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Re: KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« Reply #59 on: June 09, 2012, 10:42:06 »
In lab 4 I gave a hint to the location of the level 2 key card. In the hint I mentioned the reactor guy was an android and called it good enough. I could make a new sprite, but I'm torn on these modifications. I want to make a cohesive level, but I want to respect everyone's efforts too. Sergio, the reactor is your area too now. What do you want?