KS Round Robin - Reloaded

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Offline Headgrinder

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KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« on: February 11, 2011, 13:52:04 »
Welcome to the Tundra Trek Round Robin!

I'm changing the rules of engagement here because I've gone through four people from the old list and no one was available.  Soo...

This is now a first come first serve Round Robin.  Simply be the first to post that you are editing the last posted edit, give us an idea what your working on, and give us an idea of when you'll be done.  Take your time, but try to keep it down to a few weeks.  Then when your done, post it here on the thread.

In order to keep track of which edit of the bin we have, lets start adding an edit number to the end of the bin name, kind of like a version number.  So, whoever does the first edit, name your bin 'Niffforum - Something with snow e1.knytt.bin,' the next person 'Niffforum - Something with snow e2.knytt.bin,' etc. 

Spoiler: (click to show/hide)

SOOOOoooooo, this is where we are so far.  


Spoiler: (click to show/hide)

Additional issues:

    * Decide on an opening sequence.  I feel we can leave this in the hands of any one person who wants to make the opening cut scene.
    * A scene with Dr. Wood, furthering the plot, and perhaps receiving an object that helps disable the winter.
    * Fix messages like, "I don't have a sound card." and, "I ran out of time."  Also, fix bad spelling and grammar.
    * A place where the underwater section exits (not into the sky)
    * Add lab 1... maybe.
    * Voids/SGEs
    * Redevelop the room(s) at the end of the lab 3 radiation area to be person free and more key to the plot.
    * Flag3 is broken.  Do we want to fix this with something in lab 2 or 3, or just remove the whole flag 2 and 3 issue?

Further plot and level suggestions:
Spoiler: (click to show/hide)

Last of all, I was as confused as heck about the flag business and how to get into the ice cave.  I'm pretty sure the reason is that I broke flag3.   :oops:  At any rate, since I took the time to put together a walkthrough, here it is too:

Spoiler: (click to show/hide)

For my own sake, I think I will be extending the deadlines to 2 week intervals rather than 1 week.  

I would also like to discuss some alternative methods for completing portions of the level.  Since I've seen a lot of people who would like to help but don't know how, One way could be to drawing numbers to see who finishes which part of the project.  Another would be to re-ask for contributors who specifically want to see this level finished asap, and put them on a permanent rotation until it IS done.  

I'll contact everyone on the current list and advise them of this.

Here's to finishing a knice level!  


Offline Firecat

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Re: KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2011, 20:30:22 »
So, i made a map marking the screens/areas that may require improvement.

Orange:The icicle caves, both paths need to be completed, (Or are they already completed?,i don't know if i have SF's update). Also:
* Flag3 is broken.  Do we want to fix this with something in lab 2 or 3, or just remove the whole flag 2 and 3 issue?
Cyan:Mountainside village, related to:
* I'd like to see the insides of the village to the right of Juni's cabin and have that area tied into the plot.  I like the idea of these being the descendants of the ancient culture.  Perhaps the reason it doesn't snow in the village is someone there has an object we will need to get the balanced and tropic endings.  Maybe we need to get their trust by doing something like investigating the labs, the cave, or something from Dr. Wood.
Purple:The underwater area, related to:
* The under water section MIGHT be an interesting place for the summer goddesses cave, as in you come up out of water and into the cave.  Or, perhaps more fitting, maybe a flooded lab 1 is down here, though that might need some plot tie in.  Maybe Dr. Wood needs something from there and can't swim!  That would fit with the mechanical background.  Either way, the "no climbs" would need to be removed so you can get back out of the original entrance, or else there needs to be a second exit from the water area.  Would Evil like to be involved in finishing this area???  It is his after all.

sergiocornaga: What if the water section (which doesn't currently have a purpose) were to become the area for locking the Winter God away for the third ending? The surface could be frozen over at first, and only become accessible after re-establishing the power of the Summer Goddess.
Green:Dr.wood machine, maybe accessible with third Keycard. Related to:
* A scene with Dr. Wood, furthering the plot, and perhaps receiving an object that helps disable the winter.

* Some thoughts on the conversation with Dr. Wood:  "I don't believe it!  You've been able to get all the cards so far?  I soooo need your help!"  He's trying to figure out how to end the eternal winter, and asks your help.  There perhaps needs to be 2 visits to him, one for the compromise ending, and one for the tropical ending.  Or perhaps it is the indigenous people who want the tropical ending because it means an end of the whole sources of power thing, something Dr. Wood would probably not want.
Blue:Greenfire Road, related to:
* I feel kind of bad for the way I've handled streightflames and his area.  I think I tried to sweep it under the rug because I couldn't figure out how it could fit.  Then someone said "perhaps it doesn't need to."  Right.  So, any suggestion on this?  If not, I'm done trying to manipulate this area.
Red:The place where you find Dr.woods key card. It activates Flag 2 instead of an unused flag.
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Re: KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2011, 09:17:56 »
Sorry guys, you'll have to take me off the list :(

I had a great time the first time around, i just cant get enthused about it anymore.
Or KS in general...


I still occasionally play levels, but don't expect to see me around here much anymore.

Oh, btw, When the level is completed (because it will be  :^^:), gimme a yell! make sure to send me an email ASAP, 'cus i might not get it otherwise :)
I'm not dead. Not entirely. And yes, I'm embarrassed by most of the posts I made here.
:hiddenstar: - From Pumpkinbot


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Re: KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2011, 15:17:12 »
Very very sorry to hear that ClockWork.   :sad:

Firecat, thank you so much for the map!  Very handy.  8)

EDIT:  Just updated the list, and took ClockWork off.


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Re: KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2011, 16:15:20 »
I'm completely swamped right now, so you can just skip me for the moment :/
Emma fell down a well - Enviromental KS level inspired by Salmoneous/Elder
Level in the works: Whitebow Island


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Re: KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2011, 16:52:55 »
Ok, Pick Yer Poison is up.  I did some more spoilers on the first post to make it easier on the scroll bars.


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Re: KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2011, 18:39:53 »
Necro >.<
A. Is Pick Yer Poison working on it?
B. I'll be happy to check spelling and grammer, and fix any errors.
C. For the opening, how about Juni was captured while adventuring by a group of people, undecided on who, and is told to live in the area for, say, a year. This will also explain why she needs Firewood (to live). When she turns it into a summer location, it makes it easier for her to live. This also gives you a chance to make an opening area to give the player a tutorial or something. Or just an opening area for the heck of it.
i have been registered on this forum for half of my life


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Re: KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2011, 22:45:46 »
Yikes, I've already let this thing slip into the land of dead threads.  I never heard from Pick Yer Poison, and I forgot that he hasn't been very active, so I'll be pming Vinterrun

Uhm... sorry for not responding jetio.  You are more than welcome to contribute.  I'm guessing I should add you to the bottom of the list to be fair, although I suppose that if ANYONE wanted to do cut scenes they could simply post them in the thread and whoever is next on the list could stick them in.


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Re: KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2011, 21:32:33 »
Well ok then!  I guess I'm up, but since we've gone through almost the entire list with no takers, I'm going to make some changes to the ways we do business.  I've also noticed that... well... I don't know which bin I have is the newest, and I'm not sure off the top of my head where the most recent is available for download.  So, I'll be imposing some different rules that I will include in the first post as soon as I have the figured out.  I think it will involve scrapping the list in favor of a first come first serve format with a rule about posting on this list as soon as your done with a counter in the title distinguishing the newest from the others.


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Re: KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2011, 23:27:04 »
Ok, here's the deal.  I'm going to post a link to the last modification to the level that I'm aware of.  It was StreightFlames' edit, and this is his link:


Now, the new rule is first come first serve!  I'll edit the first post to reflect that.  What you do is be the first to post that you are working on it, give us an idea of what your doing, and when you expect to be done (no real time limit, but try to keep it to a couple of weeks).  When your done, post your edit here.  Simple enough?  This way, we don't have to constantly be just waiting to take a turn, pming, and stuff. 

I'm out for a little while because I'm doing a lot of over time at work, but if no one takes it up in a week or two, I probably will.

Edit:  Ok, read the first post please to get the full run down.


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Re: KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2011, 06:00:34 »
Sounds like a good plan. The old list definitely wasn't working anymore. I'm seriously considering taking a turn later on, and with this setup I can probably dive in when inspiration hits.


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Re: KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« Reply #11 on: March 21, 2011, 00:11:42 »
I will work on it a little bit, adding and fixing to the icicle caves. I think it shouldn't take long, so if you don't hear anything from me in two weeks feel free to skip me.
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Re: KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« Reply #12 on: March 22, 2011, 13:02:01 »
Hey, cool!  It appears to be a good plan given it is already starting to work!  I've been trying to get that list to work for months!  :P  I think this format will get people more directly involved in paying attention to the thread so they can grab their chance, rather than getting board with waiting for someone to PM them. 


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Re: KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2011, 20:54:24 »
Something with snow e1:
  • Purple key added to the Icicle caves(Explorer).
  • Completed the Icicle caves (Tourist).
  • Minor edits to already existing screens to fix some issues(Most of them from SF's Explorer path.)
  • Small, quite hidden secret room\Easter egg.
  • Fixed the flags. Now the "Quest" looks like this.
Spoiler: (click to show/hide)
There's 110011 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary, Those who don't, and those who confuse it with ASCII.


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Re: KS Round Robin - Reloaded
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2011, 00:49:34 »
Sounds confusing. Thanks for working it all out for us Firecat. Downloading...