By the way, what software did you make your animated gif with? It takes me quite a while to convert sprite sheets to animations in Gimp. The 4th and 6th animations aren't working properly in your image.
Oops, now that you mention...
For this one, I used Camtasia to record it straight from KS, and then fine-tuned the exported gif in Fireworks. But when it comes to individual sprites, I just reconstruct the gif from the spritesheet in Fireworks.
Also, I remember that LightningEagle posted a Javascript-based spritesheet animator somewhere on the forums earlier that might be handy for things like this. I'll look it up and update this post. (Edit: yep, here it is:
spritesheet animator)
Vinterrun, how about using that topic as a CO directory, with links to already existing CO topics in the first post, in addition to COs posted by people who don't want to make separate posts?