starting point is the save point
1. when the moving lasers are NOT on jump down the the "safe square" above the horizontal laser thats beneath the save point
2. when the horizontal lasers are off you need to jump to the first block holding the vertical laser (Theres a safe spot between the horizontal (not moving) an other horizontal (moving) lasers before the lasers switch again you need to jump left, and up to the "hanging" blocks where the vertical (not moving) laser is attatched
3. from the hanging point you need to wait until the horizontal lasers dissappear, just before they do that (horizontal and vertical will switch places) you need to jump and land on the opposite side of the laser (in that safe point)
4. From this block (the one JUST left of the first floating one) you need to jump to the block directly below this one (you can climb on these) from this one you need to jump across to the second block down here (NOT the one thats floating)
5. From this block you need to jump (when horizontal lasers are off) to the one above from here just before the lasers switch again you need to jump to the wall near the exit of the screen
6. From the wall wait until horisontal lasers turn off then slide down the wall to victory :P (might want to save first though...)
Thats that, heres a picture with that shows the route needed to be taken