I had another release ready to go, but then I read all the replies I've missed in this thread.
Visual bug: if Juni places down a hologram, then her ability to place/remove holograms (Power7) is removed via shift while she still has the hologram out, Juni will look transparent even after she leaves the screen. This is only fixed once she dies or obtains the hologram ability again.
Definitely a bug I'll fix before release.
I'm having an issue in one of the levels I am working on (and I have already updated to the latest versions of both KS+ and the editor) where I try to set a third shift on a screen to autosave the game when passed over. When I select this option, the editor just closes down. This is fairly annoying and it is preventing me from setting this shift. What do you think the issue might be?
I have no idea, sorry. I tried breaking a level with bad World.ini entries as VG suggested the problem may be, but I couldn't crash the editor. Hopefully, you figured this out 2 years ago when you asked.
It seems like the ShiftCharacter fails to work if the corresponding shift is triggered at the same time as another shift, regardless of the other shift's properties. Demonstration level is attached.
By design, some shift functionality is suspended when multiple shifts are being activated at once. Some things only execute once for every shift contact. When multiple shifts are activated they are prioritized alphabetically.
Character switching is designed as it is with idea that if 2 character changing auto-shifts are side by side, then the change will happen uniformly when traveling through them in either direction. Specifically, the second shift activated will not change your character until the first shift activated is no longer in contact. Although I've tried to program for every contingency, stacking shifts is not recommended.
Maybe you can add thing that will work like hologram availability switch. ...
I'm afraid that would be confusing for designers and players. With Shifts you can give and take powers, which should do what you're describing.
Okay, I'm not sure if this has been mentioned in this thread before, but: is there a way to make the level select / file select screen navigatable with the left and right arrow keys (as well as making the current page of levels selectable with the 1-8 keys), just like in KS Ex? ...
And also showing more than one level for the 'Last Played' and 'Last Installed' categories would be a big help, to be honest.
Thanks in advance.
KS Ex uses a custom made plugin written in one of the C languages. It gives KS Ex a huge performance boost over KS+. Key binding is a huge pain as I recall, but I'll take a look at the arrow key thing.
I like the sound of KS+ remembering the last 8 plays or installs, but I'd have to overhaul the way that works. The level selector makes a chart of all the levels and their properties. The categories and search box filter that list. "Last Played" and "Last Installed" filter for a specific level name and author, so it's the only level left in the chart. Searching for 2 levels would empty the chart. ... Basically, it wont work without a completely different approach, and I'm not up for that.
Can you provide a source code?
When I release the next update for KS+ and Level Editor+ I plan to release both sources as well.