New version of KS+ available, 0.7.0. This one has static spikes. They look like the hidden spikes in bank 6, but they don't hide. I've added the comma to the Title's font. Somehow I erased it when I updated the font previously. A bug with the climb power combined with CO's I introduced in the last version has been squashed. Last but not least, there are Delete objects.
Delete objects will destroy most other objects when a Trigger is tripped. Simply place one on an object you wish to have destroyed. They must be touching the object you want to destroy at the time the Trigger is activated. This will make destroying moving objects tricky, but you can use multiple Delete objects on a single screen. Any bank object can be destroyed as well as COs. Projectiles are immune to it's effects, but nature effects like rain drops and dust particles are not.
@ GrayFace: So, you let the "destroy if too far from frame" handle the destruction? I'll have to try this out. I've already built a function that simulates two-cycle rendering for parts of the program that rely on it. I could probably use that to fix the problems that will arise.