Everyone seems to be in agreement. I certainly can't argue with Grayface's point about how small a change jump-through platforms are in comparison to the map. They will be in the next release, Friday if not sooner.
The jump-through part was easy to implement, but I realized jumping back through was needed too. It's video game law. Anyway, it was a little tricky, but if you press down + jump you'll fall through a "Ledge". Why are they called "Ledges" you ask? Because, I couldn't fit "Jump-through" across the tile. I couldn't even fit "Through." They look like springs because they are similar in function. (See image.)
Bug report: In the editor, if one of the Shift Map or Shift Target boxes is active when you click Absolute, most likely it'll screw up. Now that fields automatically update when they're deselected, the Absolute check mark changes the values and then the deselection detector changes them again causing utter chaos.
I don't think I've mentioned this anywhere before. The background fish now react to the fish blocker. Originally, I thought they didn't need to because their paths are so small, but Squareman's Adventure blatantly expected it.