egomassive's Knytt Stories Plus mod

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Re: egomassive's Knytt Stories Plus mod
« Reply #1050 on: May 19, 2022, 03:34:25 »
Oh, I forgot that Dragon Myth and Petals have spaces.
Thanks Talps. That's a relief.
"The flaw expert" -egomassive


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Re: egomassive's Knytt Stories Plus mod
« Reply #1051 on: May 22, 2022, 16:02:23 »
The collectable icons in Customnibus are centered. They should be placed slightly to the left instead:
« Last Edit: May 22, 2022, 16:47:28 by Lit Knob »
"The flaw expert" -egomassive


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Re: egomassive's Knytt Stories Plus mod
« Reply #1052 on: May 23, 2022, 03:21:54 »
As for the icons in the item bar, these insert themselves independently. So if you drop a 24x24 image named "PowerIcon7.png" in the Custom Objects folder of any level, then the hologram icon will be replaced in the item bar. This has the side effect of removing the animation the hologram power icon normally has.
What is the actual reason PowerIcon7.png can't be animated?
"The flaw expert" -egomassive


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Re: egomassive's Knytt Stories Plus mod
« Reply #1053 on: May 27, 2022, 21:44:32 »
There are some hidden Thumbs.db files taking up 410 KB of space. They are in the following folders:
Bank0, Bank6, Bank15, Bank16, and Bank19.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2023, 21:15:41 by Lit Knob »
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Re: egomassive's Knytt Stories Plus mod
« Reply #1054 on: July 01, 2022, 00:16:52 »
The following are all the bugs I and GrayFace encountered while beta-testing my templates:
  • Custom 2:3 and 4 aren't "destroyed" when touching water or the screen borders.

  • The instructions for the first frame of the custom 2:29 are misleading. While it's true it will only face left in-game, it still needs to face right on the sprite sheet (because it's able to change direction when it shouldn't).
    As a consequence, this frame is also offset one pixel to the left. I offset it to the right (and flipped it) on my template as a workaround.
    The custom 19:10 is affected.

  • The "Walking" sequence (opens beak) in 2:30 has its speed set to 50% (it's 25% in vanilla).
    19:11 is affected.
    The custom ones don't have this issue, but they have "Ani2Start" set to 1 instead of 7, and they lack the toast's blinking trick. They also don't "dance" (but I can see why).

  • Custom "Gustav" (3:39) behaves as if its sprite sheet is shifted one pixel to the left.
    Workaround: Either type 1 in the X Offset box (CO tab) or shift the whole sprite sheet 1 pixel to the right (GrayFace suggested the latter, so my templates of objects with this issue are "pre-shifted" to the right by default. This is really important).

  • Custom 2:9 and 10 have the same issue.

  • Custom 3:9-11 also have this issue.
    The custom 19:16 is affected.

  • In the custom 3:27, "Ani3End" is set to 20 instead of 22. For that reason, the last two frames are currently ignored.
    The instructions are affected.

  • The custom baby (3:37) lacks the toast's blinking trick.

  • Custom 3:42 and 43 lack the toast's blinking trick, and the following values are wrong:
    "Ani2End to 10" (should be 9)
    "Ani3Start to 11" (should be 10)
    "Ani3End to 14" (should be 13)
    Also, there should be an "Ani3Back to 10", which is missing. Its absence breaks their ears.
    The instructions are correct.
    The custom 19:22 and its instructions are affected though.

  • Custom 4:3-5 are offset one pixel to the right when facing left.
    Facing right works as intended.
    The custom 19:23 is affected.
    19:23 (non-custom) has the opposite issue: It's offset one pixel to the left when facing left.
    Facing right still works.

  • Custom 4:2, 8, and 13 lack an "Ani3Loop to 1". As a consequence, when "Stopped" faces down, it goes back to frame 0 and plays "Walking" with a speed of 1 frame per 20 seconds (as if the CO speed alterable value is 1 instead of 0).

  • In addition to that, custom 4:8 and 13 can't touch the ground when going down. They stop one pixel above it.
    Going up works as intended.
    The lower half of their templates is pre-shifted as a workaround, but this issue should be fixed in the source instead.

  • The custom 4:16 is missing an "Ani1Loop to 1". Its "Stopped" animation should only play once.
    It also has Gustav's issue. As a consequence, bullets don't match the antenna.
    The custom 19:27 is affected.

  • The "Stopped", "Launching", and "Stand Up" animations of custom 4:19 and 20, are able to face left. This causes them to visibly "flip" while standing.
    The custom 19:29 is affected but also "slides" instead of walking (the Walking sequence doesn't loop because there's an "Ani2Loop to 1" instead of an "Ani4Loop to 1").

  • Custom 6:7 and 9 don't open their mouth correctly or it stays closed when more than one shoots at the same time.

  • The custom 8:7 is centered. It should have a half-tile offset to the right.
    The instructions are affected.
    Workaround: Type 12 in the X Offset box.

  • The custom 8:10 lacks the toast's blinking trick.

  • Custom 10:4 and 5 don't land properly.

  • Custom 10:11-13 lack the toast's blinking trick.
    The custom 19:37 is affected.

  • The instructions don't mention 11:11.

  • The "Stopped" animation of all custom Disks except 11:6 and 9, is able to face left when it shouldn't. Because of this, they flip like 4:19 and 20 while standing, and the bullets of 11:2 don't match the antenna.
    The custom 19:39 is affected.

  • In addition to that, the custom 11:7 also has "Ani2End" set to 4 instead of 5. For that reason, the last frame is currently ignored.
    The instructions are affected.

  • Although 13:4 does have a ninth frame, it's actually ignored (it's a vanilla "issue").
    The instructions are not aware of this.

  • The custom 13:13 has the ability to face left.

  • Custom 14:3, 4, 10, and 15 have Gustav's issue.
    Custom 19:43 and 45 are affected.

  • Custom 14:5 and 7 can face left. As a consequence, they flip like 4:19 and 20.

  • Custom 14:16 and 18 lack the toast's blinking trick, so they only blink once.

  • Custom 15:31-36 gleam consistently in a 10-frame loop like the early prototypes (they should do that randomly in 4 frames with the toast's blinking trick).
    However, fixing it would break compatibility with The Dithered Temple (and maybe some other levels).

  • Custom 15:37 and 38 have "Ani4End" set to 18 (it should be 17). Because of this, there's two blank last frames, and the second one is useless.
    The instructions are affected.
    Their templates have 18 frames as a workaround.

  • 17:2 flips like 4:19 and 20.
    This is a vanilla bug.
    19:49 and the custom 17:2 are affected.
    The custom 19:49 is affected but also has 15 frames instead of 7, as if it could extend its spikes (it can't).
    Its template has 7 frames as a workaround.
    The instructions are affected.

  • The custom 17:9 has Gustav's issue.

  • Custom 17:10-12 lack the toast's blinking trick, so they only blink once.
    Also, the instructions state 17:11 needs a -24 X Offset, and 17:12 needs a 24 X Offset, but it's the other way around.

  • Custom 19:25 and 30 don't switch to "Launching" when going down. As a consequence, they don't open their mouth when shooting.
    Going up works as intended.

  • Custom 19:28 and 47 lack the toast's blinking trick, so they only blink once (the latter does whenever it shoots).

As I stated in the report of 3:39, all OCOs with "Gustav's issue" currently have working templates that take care of it themselves.
Thanks to GrayFace for the workaround.

Edit: Corrected some mistakes and added missing reports.
Thanks to GrayFace for beta-testing both my templates and the originals.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2024, 02:50:29 by Lit Knob »
"The flaw expert" -egomassive


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Re: egomassive's Knytt Stories Plus mod
« Reply #1055 on: July 12, 2022, 07:36:53 »
8:9 - "Frames 0-4 pulsates" must be "Frames 0-3 pulsates", only incorrect in the description.
Sprite sheets of snails (14:3, 14:15) seem off by 1 pixel.

The custom 8:7 is centered (is this on purpose?). It should have a half-tile offset to the right.
Workaround: Type 12 in the X Offset box.
Must be on purpose. The dilemma is either to a) implement an offset and account for it in the editor (done for objects 6:1, 6:5, not supported in currently available level editors), or b) input an offset in CO properties. Ego probably went the "a" route at first, but then chose to go the "b" route.

Apparently Gustav's issue is due to negative X scale trick. Adding 1 to X is required when scale is negative. I suspect that the bug wouldn't happen if width is odd. (no, with odd width the bug happens the same way).

Could you share the sprite sheets for objects you've mentioned for testing, particularly those that aren't in Templates?
« Last Edit: July 12, 2022, 08:19:51 by GrayFace »


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Re: egomassive's Knytt Stories Plus mod
« Reply #1056 on: July 12, 2022, 12:57:53 »
Custom 14:5 and 7 can face left like 13:13 (why?). As a consequence, they also have the same issue as 4:19 and 20.
That certainly gives more flexibility to the level designer to make them asymmetrical, although the barely visible highlight moves from one side to the other. 13:13 changing direction looks a bit odd. 4:3, 4:4 and 4:5 also slightly mismatch the original objects due to standing animation flip.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2022, 13:03:54 by GrayFace »


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Re: egomassive's Knytt Stories Plus mod
« Reply #1057 on: July 12, 2022, 15:50:46 »
8:9 - "Frames 0-4 pulsates" must be "Frames 0-3 pulsates", only incorrect in the description.
Sprite sheets of snails (14:3, 14:15) seem off by 1 pixel.
Yep, I had already reported both:
I noticed something: object 9 of bank 8 only needs 4 frames, but the instructions state 0-4.

"If a sprite sheet has 4 frames of animation, they are identified as 0-3 (0, 1, 2, 3.)"
  • Custom 14:3, 4, 6, 10, and 15 have Gustav's issue.
    Custom 19:43 and 45 are affected.

13:13 changing direction looks a bit odd.
I agree.

4:3, 4:4 and 4:5 also slightly mismatch the original objects due to standing animation flip.
Yep, I knew:
  • Custom 4:3-5 are offset one pixel to the right when facing left.
    Facing right works as intended.
    The custom 19:23 is affected.
    19:23 (non-custom) has the opposite issue: It's offset one pixel to the left when facing left.
    Facing right still works.

Could you share the sprite sheets for objects you've mentioned for testing, particularly those that aren't in Templates?
My plan was to (finally) release the templates after beta-testing them and checking the instructions for mistakes like 8:9.
I'm currently doing the latter.

I will PM you what you asked, if you want to do some prerelease testing.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2022, 03:52:11 by Lit Knob »
"The flaw expert" -egomassive


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Re: egomassive's Knytt Stories Plus mod
« Reply #1058 on: July 13, 2022, 02:50:29 »
All mistakes in the instructions (minus the ones in the bug reports):

  • The second animation of 2:28 and 19:9 should be "Frames 1-11 hops", not 1-10.

  • 8:9 should be "Frames 0-3 pulsates", not 0-4.

  • 13:1, 2, and 14 should be "Frames 0-5 stopped", not 0-6.

  • In 14:10, "Frames 3-14" should say "jumps" and "Frames 15-16" should say "wiggles", not the other way around.

  • In 19:43, "Frames 3-14" should say "jumps", not "walks". "Frames 15-16" should say "wiggles", not "jumps".

  • "ArtifactIcon.png" is missing its r where mentioned (was already reported by ncrecc on Discord).

  • The correct opacity of the "In wall flight" sequence (in objects 2:11 and 12) is 50% (128/255), not 71.9%.

  • The correct opacity of object 2:31 is 69% (68.75%, 176/255). The same as 14:1.

  • The correct opacity of the lower half of a custom character sprite sheet is 34% (87/255), not 33.4%. Same goes for the custom umbrella.
    It's actually 86/255, but there's no difference in game (even RGB values are the same).
« Last Edit: October 12, 2023, 05:18:03 by Lit Knob »
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Re: egomassive's Knytt Stories Plus mod
« Reply #1059 on: July 13, 2022, 04:08:52 »
8:9 - "Frames 0-4 pulsates" must be "Frames 0-3 pulsates", only incorrect in the description.
Sprite sheets of snails (14:3, 14:15) seem off by 1 pixel.
Yep, I had already reported both:
I noticed something: object 9 of bank 8 only needs 4 frames, but the instructions state 0-4.

"If a sprite sheet has 4 frames of animation, they are identified as 0-3 (0, 1, 2, 3.)"
  • Custom 14:3, 4, 6, 10, and 15 have Gustav's issue.
    Custom 19:43 and 45 are affected.
No, the snails are always offset by 1 pixel. It's a strictly spritesheet issue. Same with 14:4 and 14:10. The bees are also way off in their sprite sheets.
Interestingly, the X+1 fix for "Gustav's bug" I proposed is already used in the source code of KS+ 1.3.8, but turns out it shouldn't be applied to some objects.
It also turns out KS+ mirrors all horizontally-facing objects without exceptions.
Here is a modified KS+ 1.3.8 for testing of alignment:
I just made it show original objects on top of OCOs.

4:3, 4:4 and 4:5 also slightly mismatch the original objects due to standing animation flip.
Yep, I knew:
  • Custom 4:3-5 are offset one pixel to the right when facing left.
    Facing right works as intended.
    The custom 19:23 is affected.
    19:23 (non-custom) has the opposite issue: It's offset one pixel to the left when facing left.
    Facing right still works.
Here I meant the fact the Standing animation of originals isn't mirrored. Thus, custom ones have animation counter-clockwise when facing left, unlike the originals. That, of course, isn't important enough to add support of mirroring of only some animations and not the others.

My plan was to (finally) release the templates after beta-testing them and checking the instructions for mistakes like 8:9.
I'm currently doing the latter.

I will PM you what you asked, if you want to do some prerelease testing.
Cool. Thanks.
I had a plan to at some point batch-create templates for all objects using graphics extracted with Source Explorer.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2022, 04:35:53 by GrayFace »


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Re: egomassive's Knytt Stories Plus mod
« Reply #1060 on: July 13, 2022, 05:08:41 »
No, the snails are always offset by 1 pixel. It's a spritesheet issue. Same with 14:4.
Yes, exactly.
By "Gustav's issue" I just meant "a bug that's fixed by a 1 X offset in CO settings".
Sorry if that was misleading.
But then why are those sprite sheets the exact same in the source?
That's why I thought it was a facing issue like 3:39.
Also, I recommend my templates of the bees to test them (the black and white ones are messed up).
I just noticed something:
Some of the objects with this issue (like bees and rabbits) have a note in their instructions. It says, "Left facing alignment is off". Is this the cause?

Here I meant the fact the Standing animation of originals isn't mirrored. Thus, custom ones have animation counter-clockwise when facing left, unlike the originals. That, of course, isn't important enough to add support of mirroring of only some animations and not the others.
Ohhh, I didn't notice that.
Thanks for clarifying.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2022, 05:32:06 by Lit Knob »
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Re: egomassive's Knytt Stories Plus mod
« Reply #1061 on: July 13, 2022, 07:33:44 »
I just noticed something:
Some of the objects with this issue (like bees and rabbits) have a note in their instructions. It says, "Left facing alignment is off". Is this the cause?
Funny, because rabbits aren't affected by it. It seems like they should be, but misalignments cancel out when you shift the sprite sheet by 1 pixel.
All disks can probably be fixed with a workaround by adding a 1 pixel offset to CO properties and shifting the graphics by 1 pixel. Though, it's better to fix their mirroring in the code. Some objects (like 14:7) can't be fixed like that, of course.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2022, 07:38:45 by GrayFace »


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Re: egomassive's Knytt Stories Plus mod
« Reply #1062 on: July 13, 2022, 15:29:24 »
2:30 has wrong start of 2nd animation. It's set to 1 instead of 7.

I've done the automated process, will soon share templates for most objects.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2022, 15:33:32 by GrayFace »


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Re: egomassive's Knytt Stories Plus mod
« Reply #1063 on: July 13, 2022, 15:34:27 »
Wait, wait, wait...
If you are talking about templates for KSEx, that's good. Otherwise...

I already have all KS+ templates (I thought that was clear enough from all the bug reports and the way they are sorted).
And it took me 3 months to make them and put labels (I didn't make them for my levels, but to release them).
I wanted it to be a surprise for the whole Nifforum.
Please, don't make that a waste of time on my end. :oops:
I have already finished both beta-testing and checking instructions.
I'm literally just waiting for you to decide how to address "Gustav's issue" (particularly, Earth Beings and Disks), then I'll release them. :)
Sorry for the confusion.

I will PM you them all if you want to test them before I release them.
From my testing, only the objects I reported have issues (plus the 2:30 issue you just reported. Weird. I can't notice that in-game, but the code is indeed wrong. 19:11 is also affected).
« Last Edit: July 14, 2022, 10:02:37 by Lit Knob »
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Re: egomassive's Knytt Stories Plus mod
« Reply #1064 on: July 14, 2022, 04:16:24 »
If you are talking about templates for KSEx, that's good. Otherwise...

I already have all KS+ templates (I thought that was clear enough from all the bug reports and the way they are sorted).
And it took me 3 months to make them and put labels (I didn't make them for my levels, but to release them).
I wanted it to be a surprise for the whole Nifforum.
Please, don't make that a waste of time on my end. :oops:
My process doesn't work for all objects. Doesn't add labels either. When joined, our COs should cover basically everything, including all objects not supported by KS+ yet (but supported by the upcoming KS Ex version).

I'm literally just waiting for you to decide how to address "Gustav's issue" (particularly, Earth Beings and Disks), then I'll release them. :)
Disks are tricky (except 6 and 9, which should be fine as they are). Their standing and walking animations are misaligned and thus need different offsets when facing left. Even a work-around with CO offset wouldn't work.