LPChip, thats fine

Ultigonio that's great to hear

For bumperpower and any future artists..
I should probably provide some background about the game at this point.
The region of Shika consists of a large island, and part of the mainland to the north and east of the island.
The player starts in the southwest of the island, in a typical small starting town (currently named Hazelet Town). The west half of the island is heavily forested. The southwest has coniferous forests, while towards the northwest, the forests get more rainforest-like.
The second town, Rainglade Town, is at the edge of the island, near the sea; however, it rains a lot of the time there, helped by the rainforest to the north. This town has the junior trainer's school.
The third town, Lushade City, is at the very northwest of the island, sandwiched between the rainforest and the sea. It is home to the Science Institute of Shika, as well as the first Gym.
In several spots around the region, rare wild Pokémon wait. These are visible on the map, and are hidden away in hard-to-reach parts of routes. They aren't legendaries, but rarer Pokémon such as Heracross. It would be great if these could have a remixed version of the normal wild battle theme.
The 'evil team', the Necros Organisation, is more structured than previous bad guys. There are several types of subordinates, such as Thugs and Researchers, as well as the standard Grunts. The team has 3 commanders, each tasked with finding one of the legendary trio for the boss. The boss's goal is to use them to gain control of Fatablos (cover legend, representing life and death), and use its powers to achieve eternal life.
Music-wise, the admins should have different battle music to the grunts; like with Team Galactic, this could be a remix of the grunt music. Alternatively, the admins could have their own theme, with a different remix used for each one (to go with their personalities).
The boss should also have his own theme, different to the grunt/admin themes.
The rival in Amethyst is similar personality-wise to the one in D/P (i.e. enthusiastic and energetic). Like R/S, the rival is of the opposite gender to the player (the one you don't pick). His/her music should be quite upbeat but determined.
Hopefully, this information should provide some kind of guideline for the kinds of music I'm looking for. I can provide more information if anyone needs it.
Also, just to prove that the game is actually in progress, here's a screenshot of the engine on a test map:
The graphics aren't final; also, I haven't implemented the clothing customisation system yet. This is just to show that the game exists 
I'd appreciate it if you didn't spread this around, though; if my old fans on PokéCommunity catch wind of this, I'm going to get a lot of questions and pestering
Needs: (in no specific order)
3-4 more normal routes (similar)
2 cave routes (similar)
3-4 towns (
not similar)
2 wild grass (similar)
Pokemart (remixed)
Pokecentre (remixed)
Rare pokemon battles (current wild battle remix)
rival battle
rival theme
team grunt battle
3 team admin battles
--1 (remixed grunt)
--2 (remixed grunt)
--3 (remixed grunt)
team leader battle (not a remixed grunt battle, slower and more dramatic)
Fatablos battle
Bumper power:
Wichu says that the most recent battle music (Redone battle music 2) is perfect and good for use, but he asked if it is possible to redo the intro. He says it doesn't seem to mix well with the rest of the music.. I disagree, but whatever

If you can, this would be the official battle music and any battle music remixes would be remixes of this track.

The route music is great and approved as well

He said the first non-synthlike battle music will probably be used as well..
updated post one with info.