Apparently I never played the update before Strieghtflame, because there is a TON of new stuff! Whoever did the animation of the quarantine rocks my socks off.
Ok, interesting additions. I did find a few errors... what the... my knytt stories won't run! Well, for now I'll just mention them. I'm sure someone else can enumerate their precise locations, but there is a missing tile and a floating spike in the yellow area, and the 2nd blue maze has a bug that makes it very difficult to exit the maze. You have to trick jump up, fall back down, then wall swim back upwards out of the barrier. Right before the exit warp out of the greenfire road area, you can climb a wall to a purple screen. Oh, I guess someone can add on to that though.
And I did find one non-collision wall in the newer lab at the 4 corridor junction. Oh, and there is a section in the newer lab that says "Private Quarters" but I think it means something like "Private Labs" as few people probably sleep with dimensional gates and lasers in their rooms.
And I gotta say, I love spaces designed for knytts! I wish it was assumed in real life we could all scale shear walls with perfect ease so we could have reception areas just hanging out above deep pits with no stairs, elevators, etc.
Might I suggest a rule to help keep this level from growing out of all proportion? How about each contributor can only add one new direction to the plot, then everyone has to work towards tying all the parts of the plot together? I've got to go to work now, but I think I'll start a list of plot points so we can keep track of what ideas need to be pulled together.