This is already absolutely excellent.
So... easy... to use...
But.... there might be an issue. I tested one of my CO's that has a blank first frame. (it's something that fades in and doesn't repeat)
As you'd imagine, the object is totally invisible with the option turned on. But I can switch back and forth and see the object, so it's really no big deal. However, a hotkey for toggling the function would be a real lifesaver, as I'm sure other people will have blank first frames in their CO's.
Also, I noticed every time you do something in the Knytt Stories Manager that affects the world.ini, you have to "reload world.ini" to get it to show up.
--This of course only makes sense, but is there a way you could tie another hotkey to the act of reloading the world.ini? (ctrl+r maybe?)
Anyway, this is absolutely professional, man. I can't thank you enough for taking my suggestions. This mod of yours is about the only thing that actually allowed me to consider finishing my project. Because it's so insanely complicated and stupid.
And btw: A very excellent idea putting the script screen in the tileset area. One thing I know is that there's definitely no way that anybody is coding and painting down their levels at the same time, hahaha.
EDIT: A warning about the code screen... If you type, paste or add any characters in general to that screen, it will light up the yellow "save needed" warning bars. But if you REMOVE characters in any way, (backspace, deleting, or the cut command) the warning bars will not light up. If there's any way to fix that, I believe you'd have yourself a totally perfect program.