Well, just because you can draw a bunch of penises all over the place doesn't mean you should, nor does it mean that everyone should just accept it if it happened.
I'm not saying everyone should suddenly be tolerant of ASCII phalli in any context, but that if they use World of Text, they should acknowledge it as an unpreventable possibility, and if they're too afraid to have their work desecrated, they can simply avoid using World of Text, or perhaps take one of the more complex routes of my second and third proposals.
However, if everyone just didn't do things they think others might dislike, I think it would be fine.
I may or may not utterly despise it when people draw Juni without crossed eyes on World of Text. You all had better not do that anymore!
you shouldn't expect people to know what other people dislike, and you shouldn't assume for people to tolerate something
Also, this right here doesn't cover the case of malicious world of text users: you can't stop malice by saying "we don't like that" because malice is when that is assumed (right?!), and it can't be enforced so there is no compelling reason to rethink and adhere to your guidelines.