In the beginning, Nifflas coded the mule, and spoke to it: "Lol, u are teh mule, u iz slave of evry1! U'll livz 30 yeerz!"
"Aw, c'mon, Niffey, that's way too long! I hate being a slave of the human race, so i just want 18 years!"
...and so'll it be...
Then, he coded the dog, and said "Lol, u are teh dog, u iz guard of evry1! U'll livz 30 yeerz, 2"
"Aw, c'mon, Niffey, that's way too long! I will suffer of old age all those years, so i just want 12 years!"
...and so it'll be...
Then, he coded the monkey, and said "Lol, u are teh monkey, u iz stupid, n will entrtain evry1 wif teh stupiditiez! U'll livz 30 yeerz, 2"
"Aw, not again! You give me 30 years, too? C'mon, it'll go unrewarded! I hate that kinda life! Gimme just 20 years!"
...and so it'll be...
People came to the forum, and Nifflas spoke to them: "Doez u liekz 2 livs 30 yeerz?"
The male beings spoke to Nifflas: "Well, i'd like to have a few extra years. Once i built a house, and think 'I will enjoy this life', the time has come! Can't i have some extra years?" "I haz spaer yeerz frum 3 animls, u liekz?" "Okay, i guess."
So, we'll live happily for 30 years, then we'll get married and are the slave of our wives. Then, the next of years, it's up to us to guard our family. Then, 10 more years, we'll entertain our grandchildren, then we'll die.
...and so it'll be...
~The Gospel of the Nifforum, StraightFlame 1:3