This is a nice level. The visuals are well done. The challenges are normal to hard but not very hard. My only gripes are minor ones. Overall, well done bulbapuck.
Now for the constructive criticism. There's no visual difference between walls you can climb and walls you can't. It's not necessary to differentiate, but unless you're making a masocore game it's nice to keep the rules consistent. Why is the starting point in the air? I noticed several issues with shifts. The one to the left of the starting point should not "Show Effect". After the shift, Juni's in the air again. Another shift doesn't work, x1000y1015, you may have intended it to be broken but the shift object is still there.
In the picture below, there's void access to the left. The arrow at the right points to a spot where Juni looks odd when climbing. The invisible object, bank 16 object 14, placed on layer 4 can fix these.