If there are multiple people with the same amount of votes, both will die during the day.
That's great. Only a vote on me and by me. Which means both dies.
Then I think I'm bringing vote:Razzorman with me to hell.
Hay let's kamikaze!
Failplan. You didn't
unvote in a critical situation.
Day 1 final voteDataflashsbot (1)- Limelemon
Limelemon (1) -Razzorman
As the town finally settled, the results were down to two final citizens;
Limelemon and
Dataflashsbot were taken slowly to the platform o'ultimate demise. Upon seeing two unlucky souls, good sir Grim Reaper squealed with delight. Lowering is scythe swiftly, he sent Dataflashsbot to the home of a notorious H4x0r. There, his memory was erased and hard drive shut down.
townie, H4x0red D1. Not finished yet, the Grim reaper turned to LimeLemon. As a last resort, he screamed" I vote Razzorman!", knowing very well the allotted number of votes was 1. Poured into a juicer, the delicious juices of his lime-lemoniness were poured into a glass, which the Reaper enjoyed greatly.
Mafia Roleblocker, juiced D1
Then, the sun fell onto the plane, and the moon, shot out of the town catapult, flung into the sky.
It is now night. Special Players Pm me their Night Actions..oh yeah. I appreciate the Town bulletin notes to be a limit of 3. Townies can also send me silly night actions for teh lulz.