Well, making the whole thing curved forces the level maker to have a bridge of a certain length, I wanted it to be as long as I want. The bridge is sorta filler anyhoo, and you can change it if you want.
Quote from: SecretGlitch on April 02, 2010, 06:36:37Well, making the whole thing curved forces the level maker to have a bridge of a certain length, I wanted it to be as long as I want. The bridge is sorta filler anyhoo, and you can change it if you want.Maybe try making a reason for it to be straight? The default desert tileset pulled that off quite nicely, in my opinion.
FANTASTIC INSTRUCTIONS ON USING BRIDGE TILES:Step 1. Open Knytt Stories Editor.Step 2. Find the tileset with a bridge.Step 3. Click the layer 3 button.Step 4. Click the first bridge tile.Step 5. Place it by clicking somewhere on the screen.Step 6. Switch to the next bridge tile.Step 7. Start building your own bridge!(Yes, this is a joke.)=|=