Let's see now. The average person can tackle a hard screen in 10 tries? Perhaps an easy one in 1. That means *10 every two levels of difficult increased. By that logic, [
Level of difficulty] = [
2log10[# of attempts/screen]So, 10 tries = easy * harder * harder = hard
1,267,650,600,228,229,401,496,703,205,376, or 2
100, tries would be:
| = [Easy][Harder]200log10(2)
| = [Easy][Harder]200log10(2) - 4 + 4
| = [Easy][Harder]4[Harder]200log10(2) - 4
| = [Lunatic][Harder]200log10(2) - 4
| = [Very]200log10(2) - 4[Lunatic]
So.. anyone wanna whip out their calculator and find out what 200log
10(2) - 4 is?