I enjoyed the level, except for
the boss. I mean, what the hell, is it even possible to win there? The last stage just has TOO MANY FIREBALLS. I had to cheat :sad:
As for the atmosphere, well, if you wanted scary, I'm afraid it wasn't very scary at all... Scary atmosphere requires a much more subtle approach. People are scared of the unknown, the unexpected, etc., whereas this level gets to the horror stuff pretty fast and soon you're very used to it. On the other hand, if you wanted satanic, I guess that sort of worked, but the visuals could use a lot of extra effort: more ground tiles, better animation for COs (I mean, most are just... flashing), better backgrounds, etc. The way things are now, the level looks very rushed.
Except for, once again,
the boss. I loved the way that guy looked. Huge, scary, completely bizzare and incomprehensible... yay.