Dustin, just because your school thinks it's good doesn't mean it is.
And the things I've said are from watching the video (I have eyes and I've played Knytt Stories so I should be able to fairly comment on the design, right? ).
It's just the only basis I have of a 'poor design' is a guy who disrespectfully commented and reviewed a game he hasn't even played yet
I suppose if you knew the Engine, which you do, and saw the video, I suppose you could get an idea of it -- but how many movie trailers have you seen that looked bad though the movie itself was great
The school likes it, my testers like it (numbering around 20), most of the students like it, I'm not saying it's perfect or anything, there are issues with it, and not everyone enjoys the game, but I just have a problem with the disrespect given in your comment is all
Especially for a game you have yet to actually play, and I felt like I had to defend it by disproving the points presented
but you're right, graphically it isn't impressive, but what we are talking about is so opinionated that it really can't be right or wrong, I just strongly feel as if your disrespect was uncalled for
You aren't the first person to have problems with my design, but you are the first to deliver it so crudely, and atleast the people who did have problems with it actually played the game all the way through -- and so far everything they had to say was opinionated like the music, or the graphics, they didn't like the art style, they didn't like soundtrack here, or they thought it was too difficult for them, just opinions really, things that don't make a good or poor design neccesarily
Though some people loved the soundtrack, some people didn't mind or actually enjoyed the tilesets I used, in fact most did... they don't know of any other KS games besides my own and the other student's, but the game has strong points all its own that can't be seen in the video, it has to be played
But I'm sorry, I didn't mean to insult anyone, or to cause conflict, I just felt like I had to defend my design and I got edgey from feeling disrespected and unfairly judged
The advice could have been better delivered in a way where I felt like I was being helped, and I suppose I could have more politely explained my side of it all without having to counter-disrespect, I apologize for that
I'd just like to say though that these points and issues you have addressed have been delt with in ways that are not visually shown in the video, and even though graphically it isn't nice to look at compared to other KS games, popular opinion tells me the gameplay is most enjoyable, and the soundtrack is quite fitting, the story I hear is also very interesting and progresses well throughout the game
Thank you for your advice, if I make another KS game I will keep it in mind