the rules "hoverover" is LPC's humor's result.
Actually, 'cause I'm a good minion, I checked the [help] button first before making this thread. 
Also, who gave you a fish?
this part of the [help]is a very nice table with all the stuff, so why didn't you find the [font] tag there then?

The fish, I think, came from PurpleP. for making the object images transparent instead of magenta. If I remember correctly.
THE LIST OF FORUM SPECIFIC TAGS- The Spoiler Tag is explained in the [faq]
oh yeah,
- [faq] is a tag are
- [help] ([help]) and
- [search] ([search]) and
- recently added [ksfaq] (KS-editing FAQ)
- Theme-specific Colour Tags
give red green blue orange purple yellow.
- Marker Thingies
[?]huh?[/?] and [v]yay[/v] and [x]baw[/x]
? huh? and ✔ yay and ✘ baw
- Achievement Tag[achvmnt]VkVSMDIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA[/achvmnt] explains itself when you follow its link
- Editing Tags
[edit=THA EDIT0R]haz EDITED[/edit]
[edit]me too[/edit]
Edit by THA EDIT0R: I haz EDITED
Edit: me too
- For when people's post got deleted
[replydeleted]That's cool-oh hey it disappeared[/replydeleted]
In reply to now deleted post(s):
That's cool-oh hey it disappeared
- for when you want to post awesome ASCII art
[ascii]this is supposed to make people put in great stuff in ascii art but nobody uses it[/ascii]
- when you want something to appear in the wadf theme even when the user set their theme to another
[wadf]it's soo bluuu[/wadf]
[wadf]it's soo bluuu[/wadf]
- soundcloud -for embedding songs from
this one's a bit tricky:[soundcloud=USERNAME (of song poster)]song name (from song url)[soundcloud]
for example: Nifflas' "Sun Cave" has the url on soundcloud: and you need the underlined parts:[soundcloud=nifflas]sun-cave-unannounced-game[/soundcloud]
the rest are mod only. That means even if you figured them out, you are not allowed to use them.