Harder version available?

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Offline kilicool64

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Harder version available?
« on: March 23, 2016, 16:19:51 »
I was browsing some old reviews of Nifflas' games when I came across this comment Nifflas made almost ten years ago: http://jayisgames.com/review/within-a-deep-forest.php#comment-55842

According to it, this game originally only had a hard mode, which was a lot more difficult back then. I tried to find out if this harder version was ever publicly released by searching for older versions of the game. But even the oldest version I could find (1.0.2) already had an easy mode. Does anyone know what the original release was like? Or if Nifflas reads this, do you still have the harder version?


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Re: Harder version available?
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2016, 17:24:37 »
In the game options, you can enable the harder mode.

If you really want to have a challenge, play either MAS or MAS:OS they're a lot harder than WaDF.
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Offline kilicool64

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Re: Harder version available?
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2016, 18:21:19 »
In the game options, you can enable the harder mode.

If you really want to have a challenge, play either MAS or MAS:OS they're a lot harder than WaDF.

I'm aware of that. That's the mode I normally use. I also beat both #Modarchive Story games. They were indeed among Nifflas' hardest games, though also pretty rough around the edges.

However, Nifflas said the following on that site: "Actually, it's the other way around. Orginally, only the hard mode existed, and it was about twice as sadistic." I thought that meant the game's hard mode was originally a lot more difficult. Or did I misunderstand this and he merely meant the hard mode is a lot harder than the easy mode? Admittedly it's been a long time since I last used that mode, but I don't recall it being all that different.


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Re: Harder version available?
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2016, 11:42:15 »
The hard mode is harder than the easy mode, because the controls are less forgiving, especially with the glass ball. But once you get good at the hard mode, the difference seems to vanish. If you're new to platformers, the easy mode is a bit challenging, and the hard mode really is twice as difficult to master.
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Offline kilicool64

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Re: Harder version available?
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2016, 20:59:04 »
The hard mode is harder than the easy mode, because the controls are less forgiving, especially with the glass ball. But once you get good at the hard mode, the difference seems to vanish. If you're new to platformers, the easy mode is a bit challenging, and the hard mode really is twice as difficult to master.
I see. Guess I misunderstood it then.