Everything is so HARD !!!

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Everything is so HARD !!!
« on: February 01, 2010, 13:00:18 »
The game is nice, but everything is so hard !!!!
What is the reason to make game, what it is hard to be done ? !!!!

Please make the different difficulties (easy, normal, hard) which will affect on the time you use for tasks


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Re: Everything is so HARD !!!
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2010, 21:39:47 »
Oh come on, it's not a difficult game!

Games used to be harder than this you know :)

Re: Everything is so HARD !!!
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2010, 23:40:36 »
Difficulty is subjective. Even with difficulty levels etc, it is extremely difficult for a game to be easy enough to be accessable yet hard enough to appeal to those who play for challenge.


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Re: Everything is so HARD !!!
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2010, 11:28:20 »
If you find it too hard, and there are no other difficulty options, you can always make your own easier version.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2010, 11:31:33 by SiamJai »


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Re: Everything is so HARD !!!
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2010, 15:58:59 »
If you find it too hard, and there are no other difficulty options, you can always make your own easier version.

Nah, I have a better idea. Sue Nifflas!
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Re: Everything is so HARD !!!
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2010, 13:46:45 »
Which bit specifically are you finding hard, the platforming side or the puzzles side. If it's the former - Practice makes perfect, if the latter - On your PDA you've got a device solver thing that can help you out ....


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everything is indeed so hard.
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2010, 00:41:04 »
I'm finding the platform bits hard.  Not an unfamiliar issue with niffgames. Games with directional keys AND more than one button are an issue for me, something I have come to terms with. But, the far-too-regular momentum/collision issue where Saira seems to prefer sliding backwards to turning around are INFURIATING.  Pretty sure that's happening because I'm trying to turn around a second too early while still in the air.  I really like the game though. one of the best-balanced platform-puzzle combos i've come across. The little things like the level descriptions and different outfits in different weather are simply wonderful.  Just wish i could get a little further to enjoy more of it.  No point in getting  the full game when I can't beat the demo.


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Re: Everything is so HARD !!!
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2010, 03:15:24 »
I guess it all comes down to what people like. Some people for example complained that Saira don't lose her horizontal momentum instantly when she hits the ground, but in the early super mario games (and I remember new super mario bros DS being the same) you slide across half the screen if you don't stop the momentum while it only takes Saira two tiles to stop on full speed. I don't understand the part about sliding backwards. I know it's possible to slide backwards if you change the direction you travel by a large amount while in air, but I'm this moment searching the game for an area where this can actually be a problem, and I can't even find a place where you need to change your direction in the air at all more than just small adjustments.

I guess some people just have different opinions about how hard a game should be, and I know this game is hard, but the movements are not unfair, unpredictable, buggy, or inconsistent in any way. The problem with all PC games that works similar to a gamepad (two action buttons and four direction buttons) is key jamming. I set up the customizable function keys so it would be possible to overcome this if the keyboard is bad, but that's really all I can do about that.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 03:19:47 by Nifflas »


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Re: Everything is so HARD !!!
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2010, 07:02:02 »
the slidy physics are what make me so crap at mario 1, too...   Having said that, I stuck some fake hair on my scrote, manned up a little and got through the demo! Will most likely go on to purchase the full game as well.
Nah, it's not turning in the air.  My problem comes from attempting to turn around on the ground instantly after landing or just before falling.  I THINK i hit the button too early, start falling backwards instead, hit the ground and slide instead of turning around.  Or, fall off a ledge pressing back a little too early and instead of turning around and grabbing onto the wall slide off it and scrape my back all the way down.


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Re: Everything is so HARD !!!
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2010, 18:54:03 »
There will always be people who complain, so it's impossible to make a game perfect. I'm not saying that some complaints aren't genuine, of course. Saira isn't perfect when it comes to physics, but I've never been killed or had something bad happen to me because of them. The only problems with the physics system in Saira are minor annoyances that are rare enough for me to ignore.


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Re: Everything is so HARD !!!
« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2010, 18:57:40 »
I say it's all subjective, because in my opinion she moves exactly like I want and intended. I can't see any problems. Sure, if the quality of a product is measured by the number of people who likes them, then all the mainstream games are awesome and the rest are flawed. I can just never see it like that though, and it's the same thing with the controls; if you don't like them, perhaps they're quite simply not the type of thing for you, rather than the controls themselves being flawed.

The thing is that today, even if you make a very nice design choice that every person isn't going to connect to instantly, it will be critisized for being flawed. There'll definitely be similar comments about Night Sky by a number of reasons I will not explain - but it will actually happen for things which are essentially good design choices that makes the game a lot more fun for those who figures them out and uses them as an advantage rather than just expecting NG to work like any other platformer.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 19:12:37 by Nifflas »


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Re: Everything is so HARD !!!
« Reply #11 on: February 05, 2010, 22:56:45 »
I mentally chuckled at this, recalling the difficulty of the #mas games. The only really hard bits in Saira, in my opinion, are the sections where you need to do something really fast, like getting to a place where you need to use the flying power.

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performance issues
« Reply #12 on: February 05, 2010, 23:18:41 »
(note about post title: No performance issues with game itself which runs beautifully. It refers to my own ability to 'perform', a double entendre referring both to my gaming skill and an innuendo indirectly slighting my sexual performance)

     Yeah, I never even got to a boss in any of the MA's.  Couldn't even get to the end of TTP.  At least i passed geoffry the fly (sobs).  Games DID used to be harder.  They couldn't use fancy graphics, developed storylines or even writable memory in many cases, so they had to rely on pure gameplay.  Of course, I had an excuse for being bad at them back then, being six years old.  It's just that i've only got marginally better.
     Played Night Game too, (on mac keyboard, which was great, at melbourne exhibition for the last Independent Games Awards) and thought the physics for that were completely self-explanatory.  By which I mean every little way the thing behaved felt right, or if not, felt necessary or at least completely explicable. Getting used to the physics in Saira quickly, though not happily.  I've been spoiled by the ability to turn around and grab onto ledges which allows forgiveness for small mistakes of timing.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 23:29:11 by atinypony »


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Re: performance issues
« Reply #13 on: February 06, 2010, 02:33:18 »
an innuendo indirectly slighting my sexual performance
wat :huh:
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Re: Everything is so HARD !!!
« Reply #14 on: February 06, 2010, 03:01:09 »
I think the controls while maybe not conventional, work pretty well in Saira. It would certainly break a lot of things (and in maybe only my opinion ruin the game in some ways) if they were changed to be more like Knytt or KS, which as Nifflas points out were totally unrealistic, but granted, so was were the games. It was a happy ending there, and seeing as Saira is more realistic in style, one would expect the control to be more realistic (and they are) so I find that really nice to see. Maybe I'm one of the few who actually like the way Saira moves and controls, but I really enjoy it, it actually reminds me of Mirror's Edge 2D, where you need momentum to get to various parts of the levels. I like it personally, and I find it a nice pace from Nifflas' other games, which while control well, and are totally in sync to their respective atmosphere, aren't nearly as natural as Saira.