I suppose I should say that was a very good observation that I did NOT write a note, as that was the full truth... much like a full pie.
Also, I am a bit obsessed with pie in the momentum, so Although I could somehow twist the two into one, it'd unfortunately leave me in too much of a deep dish pie, and I've never heard of deep dish pies... and in case anyone wonders, I think I have a really wild (yet really bold) guess about the situation, so to toss a pie out into the face of fate, my biggest guess is that the pie holder (Shawnachu) would be complemented by a pie fanatic (Which I'll say right now, is hopefully easy enough to determine at this point).
As much as I'd like to vote now, I don't want to make it into an unintened bum rush for jimj. (A bit of defense, but namely for the town at the moment.)
FOS: JimJ for the minor basis of thinking that would be his style of note, much like how every pie crust has their different style.