Story update
As they settled down amongst the ashes, a small fly buzzed in from around the corner of the graveyard. All of a sudden, it sputtered, and fell to the ground. As one townie looked on in amazement, the fly writhed around, tracing lines in the soot. The lines became letters, and the letters became two words: "Hello world." The fly then did one last loop in the air and was nipped off by a bird. Soon enough, beside the first spectral message, a second set of curves began to appear. This time, however, they spelt out the words, "Jimj, you're next!" jimj316, ignoring the messages completely, found other means of random action. First, he scraped a microscopic nail from his finger and placed it on the ground. Taking a large saucer, he covered up the nail. He then picked up a PTO paper and began turning it.
Meanwhile, Lunar_Tick began to make his suspicions clear, one of which was for SirLeroyIII. Razzorman had to remind Lunar that the great ensemble of body parts they discovered the previous night was, in fact, SirLeroyIII. As he said this, a large timber fell down near Lunar_Tick, and some soot and ashes rained down upon him.