Stupid mistake. Do you have any proof? If not, then this makes you even more suspicious. It is just you and me. And, as you can see, there is four/five of us, and just one of you. And, while posting, i ScreenCap'd my inbox to prove that i am the doctor. If it is allowed to do that, i certainly will. May Krixus go easy on you, and i certainly hope you walk the Stairs of Light to the Great Council, and not suffer in the Bottomless Pit of the Dead where you get tortured by an evil shadowy clone of either Budja or Mochaalatte. Salmoneous, just aioghpqer ughioqeug eroghier opghboe uaaepdfgr buepbapne irubgpierg jueigoaeghouiehoiqh uiopgoe...