Next question: Can anyone leave notes anonymously?
Salm Fos'd Razzor because it's much more likely that a mafia member would require to post a note anonymously.
If Runman was truly town-sided then he wouldn't be holding in this information.
What happened with all that?
First off, Vote:Salmoneous because he uses fake evidence, something i think a mafia person would do.
What, so called, fake evidence are you referring to?
Also, don't fill posts up with shistle. Say what you have to say. Don't clutter up the thread with inside jokes and feeble attempts at tween cultural references.
I apologise for being blunt.
Blah. Heck with it.
Vote:Salmonelous for random, not- understandable statements.
Wait, you're going for a D2 random lynch after a very unproductive D1 and D2? Why? Seriously, don't just do random shit. It isn't fun.
I agree with Shawnachu and we should vote out Runman. If he is mafia then we know that Razzorman is mafia also or if he is nothing we know that razzorman is killer. I think it would be wise to vote out Runman for now.
Could you explain the details of your syllogism, salmoneous?
Kaizoman666, what do you think of Runman?
Runman, what do you think of Salmoneous?
Straightflame, what do you think of Runman?
Salmoneous, what do you think of Slamoneous' new vote?