*Hand swish*
Well, PP. I must say, you've set am admirable little game here. You've simply let the entire community of players scurry around, trying to figure out what was probably a mistype by you. Need I say it?
With 14 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.
Yes, a mathematical error. In my knowledge, there's nothing that says you have to change any typos you make; but it's a physical impossibility for 7 people to be the majority of 14.
Then, Exp HP decided to take it the extra mile. By following up on Razzorman's paranoia:
I vote: Purple Pineapple, just in case.
Based off of his own suspicions:
Please tell me the mod isn't secretly playing this one...
..he opens up an irrational topic for discussion, based off of people's eventual worry for an additional player- the perfect alibi for scum.
Now, I know what you're thinking- but take this into consideration said "anonymous player", if existent, has done nothing to cause the town trouble- and will only be revealed if he decides to vote.
For that I shift my
vote to: Exp HP!