I appreciate your good intentions, but I agree with minmay - conversion like this would be pointless. Why?
Because Knytt's physics are different from Knytt Stories' physics. Notice that Knytt's movement speed is quicker than Juni's walking speed and quicker than Juni's running speed. Whichever choice you make it would ruin gameplay
- No running power - it will be irritating to explore big map while moving like snail. Also lots of jumps would be impossible
- Running power - All of challenges would be very easy. Also secrets would be too easy to find them out.
First off, regardless of how many times you tell me it's pointless, it won't make a difference. I am quite fond of the idea. Secondly, since when was the name of this post "come on in and bash my ideas... go ahead, the purpose of this thread is to figure out who disagrees with my intentions and who thinks I'm wasting my time." When? Never. Honestly, I don't need your opinion at all.
With that said, I don't agree with your points either.
Yeah, physics are different; movement speed is different. Big whoop. No one ever declared this had to be a 100% true to form remake of Knytt. In fact, if I wanted to do a 100% true to form remake, I'd just load Knytt in MMF, and save it as "Knytt Remake." By recreating the level in Knytt Stories, the purpose is to put a new spin on an old environment.
Furthermore: "whichever choice you make it would ruin gameplay."
Lolk. Whatever you say. I highly disagree, and again, this opinion is worthless to me.
As for the two supporting details:
No running power - First of all, I do realize some people have a problem with moving like a "snail." And yeah, some jumps would be impossible. So no running power is out of the question. HOWEVER, in regards to the second detail:
Running power - "All of the
challenges would be very easy?" What challenges? The original Knytt didn't sport too many challenges, save for maybe the last legs of the journey. Why? That wasn't the point. Knytt was at heart an exploratory platformer. More like a work of art then a game if you ask me. Who really cares if the so called challenges are easy? If you're looking for a gut-busting face-palming challenge, you most likely wouldn't want to play the original Knytt in the first place.
And: "Secrets would be too easy to find them out." One, that sentence isn't even grammatically correct. Two, if you're playing the original Knytt adventure on KS then it's pretty safe to say you've already played through Knytt. Most people already know the locations of secrets. It's going to be easy to find them regardless of the movement speed.
Therefore, I see running power as a perfectly acceptable form of movement, seeing as you can slow yourself down or stop altogether if you want to enjoy a beautiful screen. Like I said, this isn't suppose to be a 100% perfect remake. It's a
new spin.
Now that that's out of the way...
I do plan to animate many of the things from Knytt. It's the only way to recapture all of the wondrous charm.
The "cheat" powerup idea may be useful.
I haven't decided between a beginning or a secret for the tutorial area yet. It could be both.
I hope you've got my point. Copy of Knytt wouldn't be very creative, but how about creating a new map, based on same idea (collecting parts) with same tilesets? It would be a challenge for newb levelmaker, but I would appreciate this kind of work much more than making a copy.
So knowing full well that my intentions are to recreate the original story, you start by insulting my creativity. Then, you tell me to carry out a different task that would be more pleasing to
you. THEN, you say "newb levelmaker," using the term as what could be interpreted as an insult, rather than simply saying "beginner." Finally, you cap it off with telling me what YOU would appreciate. o.o
Get this into your head: I'm recreating the original Knytt as a Knytt Story. It won't be a perfect clone, but rather a quite similar variant geared for KS. I don't care if it isn't creative by your standards.
"Good luck!"
What the heck is that? A slap in the face after an attack on my ideals, creativity, and skills. Classy.
Okay. Thanks for you're
viable advice, and your input. Have a good day.