Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you

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Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #510 on: September 15, 2010, 18:16:53 »
But enough about green.cookie, let's talk about Ultigonio.

Name: I don't understand what/why/how/who, but i like the kind of names that make you want to ask the NSF'er why he has that name. And it is pretty great in #niffchat when you change your name to an AFK message. I mean, i can pretty much see the name 'Ulti-gone-io' in the list right now. 9/10

Avatar: Nice drawing... Um, what is that white spot there? 7/10

PT: Signatures go below your posts. 9/10

Signature: Pretty lame achievements, but that doesn't really matter. When will you finish Pouring, anyway? 6/10

Total: 31/40

Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #511 on: September 16, 2010, 06:32:29 »

Name: Interesting concept, a flame that is straight. 8/10
Avatar: I can't quite tell what it is, but the pixel art is good and it's animated, so 8/10
PT: Ah, so I misinterpreted the name. Well, this isn't really anything very exiting, then again when are PTs ever? 5/10
Sig: Dragons, achievements, and userbars..4/10

Average: 5/8 (67.5 %)
Lurk more.

Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #512 on: September 16, 2010, 08:03:07 »
Name: Interesting concept, a flame that is straight.
I couldn't find any other name. But yeah, it IS interesting.
Avatar: I can't quite tell what it is, but the pixel art is good and it's animated.
Oh, that. Those are items that boost my favorite character's ATK, DEF and abilities in the game The World Ends With You. I painted them red/blue/green/brown so the character looks like me.
PT: Ah, so I misinterpreted the name. Well, this isn't really anything very exiting, then again when are PTs ever?
Actually, you misinterpreted your misinterpretation. But that's offtopic. Also, my PT is just the basic one i select when nothing fits my avvy.
Sig: Dragons, achievements, and userbars..
My fave things in the world. I'm thinking about replacing the Twitter thingy with a userbar that links to where i store my KS levels. Not that i have any levels... yet.

But enough about me, let's rate Purple Pineapple!


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Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #513 on: September 26, 2010, 14:59:42 »
Name: Hmm, i wanna eat a purple pineapple and see what it tastes like 8D 8/10
Avatar: Fits nicely with the name, but is depressed, which is sad :ohnoes: 7/10
PT: Again stating the depression :ohnoes: 5/10
Sig: Nicely edited there  XD 10/10

Overall 30/40
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Offline Wanderer

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Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #514 on: September 26, 2010, 19:02:28 »
Name: D: I hope you're not too evil... 5/10
Avatar: Deathnote? Still looks evil though... :O 8/10
PT: Alright, I have my limits on evil people... Please don't eat me 2/10
Sig: Deathnote I'm pretty sure, but at elast it doesn't look evil :) 10/10

Overall 25/40

Sorry you'll have to repeat a grade :(
"I wander to many places, but I quest to few."

YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/user/CreepyThumb

I leave and come back, kinda like a ghost. Hmm...


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Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #515 on: September 26, 2010, 23:15:34 »
Name: Should you stay or should you go, eh XD 7/10
Avatar: For some reason reminds me of the Combine 9/10
PT: O rly? 6/10
Sig: I almost didn't see it there 4/10

Overall 26/40

Sorry your also repeating XD, also, it's Beelzebub, not Deathnote, much more awesome than Deathnote X-P
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Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #516 on: September 27, 2010, 07:36:39 »
Soz for backseatmoderating, Evilguy, but you can't rejoin if everything in your profile stays the same. The game will end in meaningless repeating ratings over and over and over etc. and it will be locked. Happened last time.


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Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #517 on: September 27, 2010, 17:13:22 »
Oh, sorry, didn't realise :oops: i think i pretty much just wanted to correct Wanderer on where my sig and ava is from XD if you want you can skip me and just do Wanderer, whoever is next that is :^^:
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Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #518 on: November 10, 2010, 07:06:19 »
Name: Wanderer? Hmm...Kinda...Philosophical. xD 10/10
Avatar: Gas mask? Reminds me of Fallout, though I've never even played it. :P A bit small, though. 8/10
Personal Text:  That, combined with your avatar, makes me...kinda scared... 10/10
Signature: Mmm, a bit short and a bit...I dunno...But I like the quote. 8/10
Overall: 9/10
« Last Edit: November 10, 2010, 07:12:32 by Pumpkinbot »
A God, a Messiah, an Angel, a King, a Prince, and an All Terrain Vehicle.

Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #519 on: November 11, 2010, 23:16:37 »

Kinda reminds me of MSPA. Specifically, the Gambit Schema part.

Great. A guy on a moon thingy. As if we don't have enough of those already.

Coulda sworn the O is different from your avvy...

I wonder what the heck i am on about. I am quite sure there is no PT in Pumpkinbot's profile, and never will be. Quite frankly, i find the notion absurd.
Betcha can't find the reference. If it exists. Which it does not.

Overall: 23/30 i guess.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2010, 23:20:33 by StraightFlame »


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Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #520 on: December 12, 2010, 03:03:22 »
Aah, StraightFlame...

I'd have to say that your name is rather...
Original, 8/10

And your avatar; i love it! The pixels coalesce perfectly.

Your signature is fairly bulky, but no worries, it's still colourful.

Your personal text is not particularly funny or clever. I really don't understand what it's relating to...

So all in all you did fairly well scoring a worthy 30/40 :)

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Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #521 on: December 12, 2010, 05:01:42 »
Ah yes... its been long

Name: 8/10 - reminds me of a character from a fire emblem game
Avatar: 7/10 - I have no words to describe this
Signature: 7/10 - So you like chemistry... Fair Enough
Personal Text: 6/10 - Not that unique

Percentage: 70%
Letter Grade: C-

Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #522 on: January 11, 2011, 00:33:34 »
Name: 6/10 wait that name... it reminds...fox something..
Avatar: 8/10 wait... barrelroll? it MUST BE!
Sig: 5/10 you have dragons?!
PT: 9/10 definately agree.


Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #523 on: January 14, 2011, 22:29:36 »
Strange Darkness

Name: Kinda has a... whatever vibe around it...  9/10
Avvy: Kinda creepy, but still... 7/10
Sig: ...Fridge horror-ish.  9/10
PT: Caev Stroy?  10/10

Total: 35/40

Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #524 on: January 27, 2011, 06:57:03 »

Name: a straight flame? Don't really get it... 6/10
Avatar: Cool, a knytt with a green hat 9/10
Sicknature: very generic... 6/10
Personal text: not really any text, all pictures. also extremely wide and who isn't a french fries eater and mario fan? 7/10

Total: can't do the math, can you do it? :Pirony ftw