Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you

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Offline NESgamer190

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Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2009, 20:25:40 »
Avvy:  Quite inspiring in some way.  7\8  (sunsoftian rating system ftw)
Sig:  *drops jaw at the funny in the quoting*  8\8
Personal Text:  Drum and bass will never die, considering that I think they are used in sunsoft games, so 8\8.

Total:  23\24
*braces self for imminently doomed to fail scores*
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  (Mafia 9 pie maniac)

I really have nothing going for me for creative signatures.


Offline Soron

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Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #16 on: March 14, 2009, 07:10:13 »
Ok NESgamer get ready!

av: I love small 3 frame animations of tanks! 8/10
PT: I don't really get it :> 5/10
sig: Not really funny and it's just text but nevermind ^^ 5/10
so basically you get 18/30 OR 9/15

Purple Pineapple:
Basically yes, the name rating is optional.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2009, 08:20:13 by Soron »

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Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #17 on: March 14, 2009, 07:29:32 »
(Don't rate me)
So, the name rating is optional?
Lurk more.


Offline Pumpkinbot

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Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #18 on: March 14, 2009, 18:27:27 »
*edits PT and sig*

Soron! :D
Name: Soron...*thinks*...Huh? 6/10
Avatar: xD Kewl! 10/10
Personal Text: ...Huh? o_0 6/10
Signature: FTW!!! xDDDD 10/10
Overall: 8/10
A God, a Messiah, an Angel, a King, a Prince, and an All Terrain Vehicle.

Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #19 on: March 15, 2009, 01:17:29 »

Name: At first i thought of mechanical pumpkins everywhere  XD 8/10
Avatar: Old School Classic 8/10
Personal text: LOL 7/10
Sig: Complete awesomeness 10/10

Overall: 9/10


Offline Niffreak

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Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #20 on: March 15, 2009, 17:10:51 »
Here i come! Watch out, i'm quite the critic...

Name: Ahem... could've been worse. 4.5/10
Avatar: What is that? It looks cool tho. 8.5/10
PT: That's not very original. The only plus is that it's true. 3/10
Signature: Text, and nothing funny. 2/10

Total: 4.5/10 Not too good.

I'm pretty harsh i know.
Please visit  http://razzorville.myminicity.com ! You would make me very happy.

I could get an avatar... if i had a good pic and a bit more patience.

"It is a wonder that current education methods have not yet strangled the sacred spirit of curiosity" Einstein

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Offline Soron

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Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #21 on: March 15, 2009, 17:20:57 »
I'm harsher to peole rating without avs or sigs -_- (read the rules)
name:5/10 (It's not original)

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Offline Pumpkinbot

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Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #22 on: March 15, 2009, 18:08:26 »
Niffreak, read the rules. You need an avatar, signature, and/or personal text to play. Also weren't you banned from the old one?

(Don't rate me.)
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Offline Shawnachu

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Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #23 on: March 15, 2009, 20:13:25 »
Name: Soron. Interesting. 6/10
Avvie: It's... mesmerizing...  :nuts: 9/10
PT: ...okay...  6/10
Sig: Moar caterpillar!!   XD 9/10

Overall: 7.5/10


Offline Pumpkinbot

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Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #24 on: March 15, 2009, 20:39:14 »

Name: I herd u liek Pikachuz. xD 9/10
Avatar: Ooh, nice. 7/10
Personal Text: Uhhh...yes, it is. ._. 5/10
Signature: Cool looking level. 7/10
Overall: 7/10
A God, a Messiah, an Angel, a King, a Prince, and an All Terrain Vehicle.


Offline Niffreak

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Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #25 on: March 18, 2009, 14:24:36 »
First, i in fact, wasn't banned from the first one, or at least i do not remember. Second, if i may not play, don't rate me then.

Name: Pumpkin robots? I get memories about Halloween here. 8/10
PT: I completely agree. 10/10
Avvie: Retro style! 9/10
Siggie: Isaac Newton said that poetry was "good writed rubbish". I agree. 3/10

Overall: 7,5/10 Certainly good! Get your siggie fixed up and you're ace!
Please visit  http://razzorville.myminicity.com ! You would make me very happy.

I could get an avatar... if i had a good pic and a bit more patience.

"It is a wonder that current education methods have not yet strangled the sacred spirit of curiosity" Einstein

Owner of the creativity trophy from Do what you want 2. I don't know how to rescue it from the burning wreck of the original forum.


Offline Kasran

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Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #26 on: March 18, 2009, 14:31:05 »
Niffreak, I suggest you get an avatar and PT and sig so we have something to rate. <_<
Also, the lyrics in Pumpkinbot's signature are song lyrics, not poetry.

Anyway, Pumpkinbot.

Name: Pumpkin robot. Awesome. 8/10
Avatar: Retro ftw 8/10
PT: True, true. 8/10
Sig: Now I want to hear that song. XD 8/10

Overall: 8/10 (I'll start varying my ratings, I promise XD)


Offline AmADizii

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Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #27 on: March 18, 2009, 19:14:44 »
Imma rate.

Dragon MC.

Name : 6/10 Dragons are cool, but I always forget what MC stands for. Soemrhing like a host..

Avatar: 5/10 It's the gradient, I tells ya.

PT : Yes we are. 10/10

signature : 7/10 I'm not smart enough to find the funny side to that. But meh...

overall : 28/40
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Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #28 on: March 18, 2009, 21:23:44 »
but I always forget what MC stands for.

It's Master of Ceremonies.

Ama Dizii

Name: Is it I'm dizzy? or something else? but sounds cool anyways. 9/10
Avatar: Looks like something from Lord of the Rings... 9/10
PT: Thought-provoking and poetic. 10/10
Sig: The quote of the day is funny- but the 2nd sentence, I don't really get... 7.5/10

Overall average: 8.875 (I did it with a calculator.)


Offline minmay

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Re: Rate the persons Av/sig/pt above you
« Reply #29 on: March 18, 2009, 21:50:09 »
It's McCormick.  That taco seasoning is REALLY good by the way.

Name: It's awright, I guess.  Nothing really defining about it though. 6/10
Avatar: KITTY!!! 10/10
PT: Sorry, too obvious.  5/10
Signature: Ew, only userbars? 4/10