Just a note on "Non Serviam", my extremely large KS level

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Re: Just a note on "Non Serviam", my extremely large KS level
« Reply #30 on: January 17, 2010, 16:04:15 »
Indeed. I'm sure if you mention that you just want to merge tilesets, and you credit the originators in the tileset as well as the level itself, most if not all will allow it.

But you really do need permission.
on the left, above my avatar.

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Re: Just a note on "Non Serviam", my extremely large KS level
« Reply #31 on: January 17, 2010, 19:27:07 »
I'm really looking forward to this.  Your level looks like a great answer to the question of quality versus quantity. You've somehow managed to do both. Who would've thought that was possible? ;)
(secretly hoping nobody will mention the object compendium)
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Re: Just a note on "Non Serviam", my extremely large KS level
« Reply #32 on: January 18, 2010, 03:38:13 »
I'm a firm believer in.. levels are much better seperated into episodes. Expecially since I have recently discovered Knytt Stories loads all of the stage before hand, so larger stages can go up to 200 or more megabytes of memory.


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Re: Just a note on "Non Serviam", my extremely large KS level
« Reply #33 on: January 18, 2010, 20:35:51 »
Most of the tilesets and gradients are presets, and I haven't noticed any performance issues either on my desk- or laptop. I do think that this level won't be *everyone's* cup of tea, though, because it is so huge, and 'grew' in a very unplanned way.  Though of course I've applied a lot of modifications to the level to make it more obvious what to do at any stage, I doubt it's flawless and without problems.

It's also very tricky in places but I aim to remedy that with two difficulty settings - 'casual' and 'challenging'.,,

Actually, I need to see if the Knytt Composer thingie will be able to copy the ENTIRE level - shifts, cutscenes, ambience, the lot, because I'd love to have both difficulties in the same file. Would doubling the room number push things over the edge performance wise? Who knows.... :)

Let's do some science!

EDIT: Typographical unplanned consequence of button pushing accuracy failiure corrected.

EDIT 4390853094853 = added 5th screenshot to this post
« Last Edit: January 26, 2010, 21:13:40 by Sendy »


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Re: Just a note on "Non Serviam", my extremely large KS level
« Reply #34 on: January 26, 2010, 21:26:07 »
Pardon the bump, but I have 5 new screenshots, mostly showing off ideas and bells/whistles I've made.

Firstly, a big minimap of most of the game, but with place names and rough borders drawn in. This is a semi spoiler, sort of, but the map will be available in the game, at key civilized places. Note, you'll probably need a zoom facility to read any of the text, and my mouse handwriting is dire, I know...

Secondly, the temple has... wait for it.... *fanfare* SLIDING BLOCK PUZZLES! ZOMG. It's totally not a shift-gimmick with little depth, and I'm totally not being sarcastic when I say this. Actually, some of the 'puzzles' are mainly for show, but a few of them have multiple orders of doing things, and you can mess up and die, which is nice.

Also, you may have noticed in the forest village screenshot, I have the shiny blue water but without the blue glow. I made this by filling the screen up with the shiny water object, waiting a few seconds, and took a screencap. This guaranteed every frame of animation was onscreen and piecing them together wasn't as difficult as it might seem.

One other screenshot shows how lighting (or darking) made with CO's can affect Juni and other sprites, making it more creepy/cool.

I've been having SO much fun making this, KS is such an amazing engine! I've also made CO's which are custom snails (I love snails), rails for the spikey blocks, ghostly writing pointing the way to the nearest save (used sparingly) and various other details.

Sorry my posts are so long and rambly, I just have so many ideas, and this place is the only outlet for talking about them :) So have at you!
« Last Edit: January 26, 2010, 21:28:58 by Sendy »


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Re: Just a note on "Non Serviam", my extremely large KS level
« Reply #35 on: January 26, 2010, 22:28:49 »
Firstly, a big minimap of most of the game, but with place names and rough borders drawn in.
And big it is. O_o The outline brings to mind a spaceship.

Oh, and please release that CO when you're done with the level; I have a feeling there'd be plenty of people who wouldn't mind being saved the trouble. :D

you can mess up and die, which is nice.


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Re: Just a note on "Non Serviam", my extremely large KS level
« Reply #36 on: January 26, 2010, 22:39:28 »
All my stuff (CO's I created begin with "my") will be freely usable when I release the level game. I might release the non-glow blue water now if there's call for it, if that's what you meant. I've heard a few people complain that they didn't want the glow.

Re: Just a note on "Non Serviam", my extremely large KS level
« Reply #37 on: January 26, 2010, 22:55:13 »

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Re: Just a note on "Non Serviam", my extremely large KS level
« Reply #38 on: January 30, 2010, 03:37:46 »
I am in awe. The map looks amazing!



Re: Just a note on "Non Serviam", my extremely large KS level
« Reply #39 on: January 30, 2010, 10:48:00 »
Very interesting  :D


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Re: Just a note on "Non Serviam", my extremely large KS level
« Reply #40 on: March 01, 2010, 22:54:10 »
Looks great :D
You're not allowed to use that tileset from A Strange Dream though, are you?

Also, I'll definitely create an actual 1:1 map of this once it's released!


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Re: Just a note on "Non Serviam", my extremely large KS level
« Reply #41 on: March 01, 2010, 23:26:12 »
You're using tilesets from A Strange Dream, something that you are most definitely prohibited from doing, unless you specifically got permission from Nifflas first - which I doubt.

I remember one stage Nifflas played a bit of it, and gave his approval for using some of his tilesets


Maybe Sendy should put that in bold in every one of her posts. :P2
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Re: Just a note on "Non Serviam", my extremely large KS level
« Reply #42 on: March 02, 2010, 12:14:06 »
Whoops, I apologize. I scanned through the thread before posting, but didn't read every single post.  :oops:

Re: Just a note on "Non Serviam", my extremely large KS level
« Reply #43 on: March 05, 2010, 23:02:51 »
Well this looks great! Will it be playable soon :^^:??


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Re: Just a note on "Non Serviam", my extremely large KS level
« Reply #44 on: April 01, 2010, 00:27:29 »
Well this looks great! Will it be playable soon :^^:??

No, sorry. Work on it is sporadic as I have several other projects. This game is certainly not dead, and is nearing completion (say 70% done), but it won't be released this year. I'm guessing summer next year.