It seems that our forum has become a target for spammers. (yes, that's what happens to popular forums)
We have a good spam protection in place called ReCAPTCHA which ensures that spambots cannot register. Unfortunately, these troublemakers are real humans who get paid to do a lot of work for nothing. They spend 15 minutes typing a post, we spend 15 seconds banning the crap out of that user and all his credentials.
I'd like to use this post to explain the reason behind spamming:
You'd think they want you to buy stuff from their website, but what they really want is only for you to click the link they post. They get paid for anyone that click their link. That's how the spamming business work. So by clicking a link on a spampost (even if you're just curious) it will basically mean: you give them money and they will continue to do this crap.
They can see in their logs that this forum is a referrer for links that are being clicked, and thus will put people in place to post more garbage on our forums.
So I want to ask you this:
To all members: Please don't click any of the links that spammers post, because it can even risk getting unwanted viruses on your computer. Next please report these posts.
To all staffmembers: Please remove the post as soon as possible to prevent guests/searchbots from clicking/following the links too. If you have the power to ban the user, please full-ban the user, the ip and everything else that has been given.