Well, we ran into a major problem. I was just editing something with the reversed enemies
(see here) and the sound disappeared. It just vanished! I ran the application and there was NO SOUND. Luckily I hadn't built it yet, so I still have the soundful executable, but the .mfa is now completely soundless. I don't even know whether it was something I did or if the source just got corrupted.
*Begin long tedious process of copy-pasta code into a new mfa file
Edit: WTF? Even the level editor and two backup files got corrupted.
Edit: I'll have to start all over with the original KS source. So much for expecting the next beta within a week. T-T
Edit: Well, that's the end of it. I can't create a single Knytt Stories mfa with sound in it. I'm sorry it had to end this way.
Edit: Woah! Nested edits!