Please do not expect any further updates regarding KSA. I have many other projects now, and have basically moved on to other things.
This still holds true, and I can say that I haven't touched KSA since November (and even then I only looked really). So basically I haven't edited it since I last posted in its topic. I'll take a moment to run through why it isn't likely to be merged into another mod: I still have to re-finish it, because remember the original Source got corrupt and I never finished the new version to replace it, I don't have the motivation to finish it so it could be re-released, and finally there is a lot of work involved with collaboration on it, which means a lot of time that I don't really have will be used, too. I could just release the source, but again, it isn't done, it's not commented, it's messy, and I would like to keep track it.
Having said all of that, it's possible to convince me to release the source. But my honest opinion is that I don't think I did anything that someone else couldn't do (maybe even better) in their own KS mod. I already have a lot of projects I have going, and KSA just isn't one. I would rather work on another one of my projects because I simply enjoy them more.
I haven't given up KS modding, and there is always a possibility of another KS mod from me. I have plenty of ideas but I can say that it just isn't going to be in KSA. I'm very happy that people still think about my mod, and I am sorry I could not keep up with it. If you have questions or comments please PM me, I'll see it.