First Colaboration

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Offline PeppyHare4000

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Re: First Colaboration
« Reply #45 on: January 20, 2010, 02:46:47 »
oop.. i haven't been here for like 4 days  XD

i think that i should just make one crystal that has say 8 shattered parts?
then there would be the same number of parts to make up the medallion to open the door
yeah, that sounds good, time to redraw the crystal!

also, if you need music, you can ask someone in the helper section, like my sister!

then what do i do to help with the items.
Anything i can help you with, ill try my best


Offline smeagle

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Re: First Colaboration
« Reply #46 on: January 20, 2010, 03:33:02 »
well, it'd be best if we acctually KNEW how many planets there are going to be  ;)
we'll just have to wait a while, for the others to post.

am i the only person actively working on an actual level?  :crazy:

Well, next collaboration had better be more organised XD


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Re: First Colaboration
« Reply #47 on: January 20, 2010, 13:32:52 »
well, it'd be best if we acctually KNEW how many planets there are going to be  ;)
we'll just have to wait a while, for the others to post.

am i the only person actively working on an actual level?  :crazy:

Well, next collaboration had better be more organised XD

Well, If you want, I can get started on the enviroment of Mach II
Can you just tell me how to make a good quality planet like nifflas.
I would love to work on the level but i need to make a planet and etc.


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Re: First Colaboration
« Reply #48 on: January 20, 2010, 16:14:07 »
I have some photo of stone which is looking like flame of candle.
I don't know if it is good.


Offline smeagle

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Re: First Colaboration
« Reply #49 on: January 22, 2010, 01:17:58 »
Yes, that is good!

if you want to, you can turn it into 6 difrent shards!
(im busy right now)

Did it, with minor touch ups for effect

Luckily, there are exactly 6 level makers, the same number of shards!
All level making contributors get to have one crystal shard and one medallion piece each! you can do what ever you want when hiding these!

They are attached, and labeled

when making the large previews and the level playing icons, just resize the parts
« Last Edit: January 22, 2010, 04:28:44 by smeagle »


Offline Pick Yer Poison

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Re: First Colaboration
« Reply #50 on: January 22, 2010, 18:54:01 »
...hey, would I be able to help out on this? I don't have MMF 2, so I can't make any puzzles, and it might be a bad time to offer since smeagle just split the crystal (although I might not have been able to do anything with that, since as I mentioned I don't have MMF 2 :S). However, I'd definitely be up to making a battery-charging planet or environmental one, or maybe a base for someone else who can do so to add stuff that needs MMF 2.


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Re: First Colaboration
« Reply #51 on: January 22, 2010, 18:58:15 »
Nice, if is it nessecary, I can upload bigger picture of the crystal.


Offline PeppyHare4000

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Re: First Colaboration
« Reply #52 on: January 23, 2010, 01:38:37 »
Ello, Just some updates and new stuff.
1. Replace My Item From Luminous Crystal Tip to Small Crystal Tip
2. I want to plan a new star system for the medallion piece

Star System: Froquoa
Planet 1 (Has Item): Quranu
Planet 2 (Battery Charger): Holinus
Unhabitable Planet: Absolute Comet
Star Info: Froquoa is a star system where the temperature is very cold. Froquoa's Star is very cold, Its temperature is nearing absolute zero. Quranu is a very icy planet, It has a basic security system but it is Quarnu's Enviroment that makes it hard to get around on the base. Holinus is a very rocky planet, What makes this planet cold is the wind temperature. Holinus hosts three speed trials, The next one harder than the last. They say once you complete all three trials, You will recieve important information. The Absolute comet is a rare comet that only comes every 200 years. The Absolute Comet makes all the planets colder. The comet's temperature is absolute zero so you cannot land on it.

@ Smeagle:
- What is a good way to make a planet for saira with good quality like nifflas
- What are the other 2 colors for the gems (Im just assuming its 3, Tell me if red is the only one)
- Are we reusing backgrounds from the original episode, I noticed where itress is, The original background is Polvere's star system. If we are not using the original backgrounds, how shall we make custom backgrounds. If i am enhancing photos, I might have trouble picking a good photo to enhance.
- When you have posted the picture of the crystal piece, Can i use your crystal piece as an example for mine. (Its ok if you say no)

Im going to get started on the level editing...


Offline smeagle

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Re: First Colaboration
« Reply #53 on: January 23, 2010, 07:20:28 »
ok, ill update

@comhon, the size was perfect  :^^:

@pick yer poison can make a level, or as many as you want, and you can put it in the "twiggle" star system, which is a "dump planets here" star system.

1. Use lots of sprites, etc. the parallaxing background things and make the level as smooth as possible (slopes rather than blocks like in ks)

2.we've decided that we would just have one crystal that has been broken, so you do not need to change the colour

3. Those backgrounds are just temporary, Ive already changed the galaxy and star system backdrops, and i just need to change the Itress backgrounds! ill post a new screen shot soon

4.see #2

I'm trying to think of a way to make it so you only find the medallion pieces after the cut scene, maybe the cut scene powers your ship enough to get to the new places? That is probably whats going to happen, and it will explain why in the cut scene. To all level contributors who are GOING to have a medallion piece, you will need to put it in a different star system than the one with the crystal piece.


Offline PeppyHare4000

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Re: First Colaboration
« Reply #54 on: January 24, 2010, 01:37:27 »
Also, If you can in the future, Can you edit the time trial machines. Those Are the three trials for Holinus

Trial 1: Surface Trial
Trial 2: Cavern Trial
Trial 3: Frostbite Trial

Holinus's Battery Charger will either be 350 or 500, Depending on the star coordinates

If we are having star systems for one specific crystal/medallion piece, There will be 13-15 stars
12 ---> For Crystal and Medallion Pieces
2, 1 or 0 ---> Depends if Awenta and Twigle has one of the Crystal/Medallion piece
1 ---> For The Evil Lair


Offline smeagle

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Re: First Colaboration
« Reply #55 on: January 24, 2010, 09:05:38 »
1. ok, the time trial thing shouldn't be too difficult
2. 13-15 stars sounds good
3. awenta will have a crystal part, but twiggle wont

Ive already "made" yusano ingame, but it has no planets, maybe i should do that for all of them?


Offline PeppyHare4000

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Re: First Colaboration
« Reply #56 on: January 24, 2010, 16:19:11 »
1. ok, the time trial thing shouldn't be too difficult
2. 13-15 stars sounds good
3. awenta will have a crystal part, but twiggle wont

Ive already "made" yusano ingame, but it has no planets, maybe i should do that for all of them?

 >( You have prevented me from trying to make my own star system. Oh well :sigh:
I just don't know how to make a planet for the game. Do i draw it? How do i do it. Do we take a picture and enhance it?
I just need some detailed answers is all.

BTW, Show the screen for the yusano solar system, I would like to see it.


Offline smeagle

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Re: First Colaboration
« Reply #57 on: January 25, 2010, 01:51:39 »
well, the yusano star system is just empty and all it is is an empty folder  :crazy:
you can make it (ie the diffrent layers and star)

1.make a tileset then use it in the editor
2. the pictures are used for the background

You can make the solar sytem as it looks exactly the same as the austra solar system.
It was just for testing.

 :P :crazy: C)p


Offline PeppyHare4000

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Re: First Colaboration
« Reply #58 on: January 25, 2010, 01:57:08 »
well, the yusano star system is just empty and all it is is an empty folder  :crazy:
you can make it (ie the diffrent layers and star)

1.make a tileset then use it in the editor
2. the pictures are used for the background

You can make the solar sytem as it looks exactly the same as the austra solar system.
It was just for testing.

 :P :crazy: C)p

I also want to make the levels myself. How do you make a good space picture (for exploring the star system)
Who will do the honors of making the star system where the evil lair is.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2010, 02:00:40 by PeppyHare4000 »


Offline smeagle

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Re: First Colaboration
« Reply #59 on: January 25, 2010, 02:15:48 »
see the screenshot i posted , it is just an idea, so...
its in the "all" category for the space pictures, just use gimp to make starry backgrounds and nebulae