Description: Pixel Grower is about creating/designing your own tree. However, if you don't want to get a Game Over, you allow your design to screw up just a little. You will have to create your tree using falling Pixels. If you drop them, your tree will lose HP.
Special Pixels: Sometimes you will see special Pixels. They change shapes once they land on your tree. They also recover your tree's HP.
Cyan: Cross-shape
Magenta: Bigger Pixel
Yellow: Same shape you started with.
Screenshots: I cant use the img tag with images i created myself (since i don't know what code to insert), so i just post them as attachments.
My record: I currently got a tree with 1203 pixels and i got the rank of 'Dead Pixel'
Random suggestions on tree structure: I suggest increasing your tree's width, but you still have to realize that height is more important.
Click to playSpoiler: List of ranks (by victor12) (click to show/
hide you can't hide it)
[mod]Changed button to play due to avatar changes. Its not wise to link to someone's avatar, as it could be changed, and then stops working.[/mod]
Thanks! I will remember that so i wont do it again in the future... Or atleast i TRY to remember...