New Choose your own Adventure

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New Choose your own Adventure
« on: December 22, 2009, 20:41:15 »
The same as the older one! If you are too awesome to read its rules, i will quote them exactly:
1. Post with ''option icon'' you chose at top.
2. Post what happened on the branch you chose.
3. Post the possible ''option icon'' choices and what they do.


a) Our hero jumps onto the roof of Mr. Jarky. He yells at him and threatens him with an unloaded pistol. Our hero stands up, almost losing his balance.

What will our hero do?
a) Get off the roof.
b) Jump into chimney.

That is how it goes. But now there are TWO characters! And now i finally have a map! Please keep within the areas on the map (Waterfall Cave counts as an area). In the older one, you only could visit the areas Urban City, Urban Mall, Random Valley and Cliche's Hideout. Oh, and the outer space description got messed up. Here it is again:
And, eh, Urban City's description says 'village' where i want it to say 'city'.
What should i call the next of these when this one dies? Maybe New Choose your own Adventure Wii?  :P

Character list:
Spoiler: Enemy characters (click to show/hide)
Oh, and P.S. Thanks to SingingSurger there is a new rule: Dont kill any character! If you do, your post will be skipped...

Okay, now it starts. Read the older one for it to make sense. And now:

After our hero rescued a guy called Lucas, who seems to be his brother, they both are KO'd. The next thing they remember is that they are inside Waterfall Cave. They escape, and reach Relax Falls. What will they do next?
a) Go into Emerald Hues
b) Go towards Vulcan Vulcano
c) Check inventory
d) Investigate Relax Falls and Waterfall Cave some more
e) Shout 'Pilchards on toast!'
f) Complain about the fact that StraightFlame accidentally renamed the Boston Mall area to Urban Mall
« Last Edit: December 29, 2009, 20:06:19 by StraightFlame »


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Re: New Choose your own Adventure
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2009, 21:12:28 »
c) They check their inventory, and find a blade of +7 strength and a bag of magic rocks!

Should they:
a) Throw the magic rocks towards the waterfall
b) Go towards Vulcan Vulcano
c)Reenter Waterfall Cave
d) have a sword-and-rock fight
e) Shout various random series of letters
Spoiler: (click to show/hide)
Bluh bluh. I have this thing now.

Re: New Choose your own Adventure
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2009, 21:38:50 »
Inventory: +7 ATK sword, magic rocks x7

b) Our heroes go towards Vulcan Vulcano, but suddenly...

???: ''Hi! The name's Steve! The most talking of talking pebbles''
Talking pebbles: '''blahblahblahblahblah (our hero is too heroic to listen)''
Lucas: ''What the heck? A talking--''

Lucas accidentally drops Steve into the volcano.
Oh no! Vulcan Vulcano seems to work the same as Cheesy Volcano! The volcano is erupting! There is only one thing you can do in this kind of situation... But what?  :huh:

a) Accept fate
b) Go towards Forest Village, and attempt to go to Unknown Island
c) Go towards Forest Village, and cross the river to go to either White Sand Beach or Cheesy Volcano
d) Attempt to throw a talking pebble into Cheesy Volcano, and hope that it would destroy Vulcan Vulcano
e) Flee to either Emerald Hues, Relax Falls or Waterfall Cave
f) Once again, try shouting 'Pilchards on toast!'


Offline kaizoman666

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Re: New Choose your own Adventure
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2009, 21:55:25 »
Inventory: +7 ATK sword, magic rocks x6

e) Flee to Relax Falls.

The lava touches the water, and hardens into new land. Our heros cross the new land bridge, and...

a) Return to Vulcan Volcano.
b) Travel to Emerald Hues (which burned to the ground).
c) Go to the Forest Village.
d) Enter Waterfall Cave.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2009, 21:57:35 by kaizoman666 »

Re: New Choose your own Adventure
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2009, 22:31:28 »
Is it just me or is this Go to the cave, Go to the Volcano, return to the Cave 9_9

Inventory: +7 ATK sword, magic rocks x6

d) Enter Waterfall Cave

Our two brave heros enter the cave once again. Unfortunately, the volcano is not finished just yet. The lava makes its merry way to the cave, but is stopped short by the waterfall. The lava hardens over the mouth of the cave, forming a solid barrier. The cave is still light, due to a small torch at the back, but the entrance is blocked off and there is a river of lava behind it anyway.

a) Pound on the wall of hardened magma
b) Explore the cave for anything usefull
c) Try to break your way out with the sword
d) Ask Lucas what he wants to do
e) Sit down and wait for the torch to go out
f) Extinguish the torch
Lurk more.


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Re: New Choose your own Adventure
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2009, 00:39:33 »
Okay, cause I like the sky.. sometimes... i choose c

Our hero (and his brother, who has a unbelievable big moustache) tries to break the solid wall with his sword. Unfortunately a hammer would be better than a sword, cause it`s a sharp weapon and you know... sharp stuff + stone walls = Bababa

But, what a fortune, lucas (the guy with the mustache) uses his unbelievable big and stony beard to crush the wall. Now the two dudes are on a stone-terrace. 60m over the ground. What should they do?

a) spring or better fall down
b) head back into the cave (please... don`t do it!)
c) try to build a paraglider out of the stones and the sword like MacGyver :shocked:
d) try to use Lucas unbelievable big mustache to do something useful with
e) search for a folk of giant ants who are (maaayyybe) living inside of the cave to find new friends
under re-construction:

Coming late:

Starwale *pun*


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Re: New Choose your own Adventure
« Reply #6 on: December 24, 2009, 01:21:40 »
c) our heroes try to build a paraglider out of the stones and the sword like MacGyver :shocked:.

The wind suddenly blows very hard and the paraglider - which is mostly residing in Steve's grip at the time - gets pulled toward the cliff.  Steve is pulled right off the cliff with it.  Adrenaline kicks in and Lucas makes a running jump off the cliff towards Steve to grab on - missing Steve by a meter.

Poor Lucas has catapaulted himself off the cliff, and both brothers now find themselves 60 yards away from the ground.

In this moment when Steve hangs from a paraglider and Lucas is just under him about to free-fall to a sure death, Steve realizes he must -

a) Shout advice to Lucas on how to slow his fall.
b) Let go of the paraglider so he can catch up with Lucas.
c) Toss the paraglider down for Lucas to hopefully grab.
d) Apologize to Lucas and continue to hold on, gliding across the canyon without his brother.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2009, 01:44:19 by Exp HP »
(secretly hoping nobody will mention the object compendium)
My stars:   :hiddenstar:(Object Compendium):hiddenstar:(By PM)
Check out my Youtube channel for some terrible Let's Plays by a socially inept nerd!

Re: New Choose your own Adventure
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2009, 02:16:22 »

Inventory: magic rocks x6
It should be noted that Emerald Hues is now completely destroyed.

After a quick second of though, you realise Lucas's situation is hopeless and continue across the canyon. (Switch perspectives to Lucas for a sec) That was possibly the stupidest thing you've ever done. As you plummet towards the earth, you notice it flicker a little. Or rather you don't because you're closing your eyes. You fall straight through the hologram into a deep underground tunnel. At the bottom, you hit a tractor beam. Normally, someone who fell into this trap would get stuck in this and pulled further underground. Fortunately, the added velocity from your 60ft jump, coupled with the fact that you only reall hit the edge of the beam causes your fall to come to a near halt, before you fall out of the tractor beam and onto a metal floor. (Back to Steve)  The view from up here is lovely. Up ahead you can see a night sky. It would appear that the map loops. Unfortunately, you have no idea where you are due to crappy jpeg compression.

Lucas: +7 ATK sword
a1) Notice that you still fell from too high to survive, and therefore died, ending this partition of the story.
a2) Kill yourself with your sword, to the same effect.
b) Explore the strange underground complex.
c) Jump back into the tractor beam
d) Throw your sword into the tractor beam.
e) Take a nap

Steve: magic rocks x6
a) Continue flying east
b) Continue flying, but head south.
c) ditch your hanglider and fall
d) Have a look around.
e) throw a magic rock
Lurk more.

Re: New Choose your own Adventure
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2009, 09:07:01 »
I must say that our Hero's name is NOT Steve. He doesn't have a name yet, but it will be something that starts with an M...


Hero action b) He flies randomly, realizing that Lucas is gone forever... And then...

Hero: ''Hey, wait a sec, is it possible to make a paraglider out of 6 talking pebbles?''
Paraglider: ''Oh, in that case...''

Our hero has crashed down into Forest Village. The villagers immeidately noticed he came from Urban City...

Female villager: ''Wat is hier aan de hand? Er viel iemand hier neer! En hij is niet van hier!''
Random male villager: ''Laten we hem maar gewoon verbannen naar het Onbekende Eiland''

The villagers seem to try to banish our hero... To Unknown Island! It seems that he finds some tools there... What could they be used for? Our hero used them to build a...

a) Ship
b) Teleporter
c) Working paraglider
d) Car
e) Pilchards on toast
f) None of the above

Lucas action c) Lucas jumps back into the tractor beam, not realizing that he should have died. The tractor beam got messed up by a PRD (Polarity Reversal Device) and randomly turns into a futuristic cannon that blasted Lucas to Unknown Island...

Hero: ''What in the name of cheese? Lucas, is that you?''
Lucas: ''CaN I PlEaSe HaVe OnE, MoMmY?''
Hero:  :huh:
Lucas: ''Eh? What the heck happened?''
Hero: ''I was about to ask you the same. You fell to death, and then you were flying to Unknown Island. The noise was so loud that it caused an avalanche at Mt. Sugarpeak! Hey, i am currently building something to escape. Wanna help?''

What will Lucas do?

a) Help our hero building the vehicle
b) Look for food
c) Look for water
d) Look for some kind of shelter
e) Enjoy the peaceful Knytt Stories-ish landscape

Re: New Choose your own Adventure
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2009, 20:09:36 »
FYI, I was talking about the night sky area in the top left, and Cliche's hideout in the lower right. Whatever.

Hero action a) Ship
What kind of ship? A large ship that will take you across the river? A spaceship that you can use to fly away? Well, it doesn't matter. The hero decides a ship would be helpful in this situation, whatever the kind. He randomly starts putting together pieces of equipment and rock and grass and about anything else that is readily available on the island. At one point in his building frenzy, he accidentally knocked a small piece of rock into the river. It floated down to the bottom, right into the open mouth of a sleeping sea monster. The sea monster begins to gag on the rock, and he eventually upchucks it, along with an extremely convenient power source he ate last week. Back on the beach, our hero feels a tremble behind him. He turns around just in time to see a generator come flying out of the water. It seems to be in perfect condition.

Lucas action d,e)
Lucas looks around, not realizing the fall from being blasted so far ought to have killed him. God must've been looking the other way at the time. Anyway, Lucas sets out in search of shelter. He strolls down the beach, enjoying the lovely scenery and stationary backgrounds. Soon enough, he has gotten too far away from our hero to see him. At that point, he hears a loud rumble and a splash. It appears to have come from the other side of the island.

[Sea monster]
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. KERTHONK! etc. You get the point. The sea monster is now quite awake, from having lost his lunch from two weeks ago. The act of doing so, however, has also made him quite disoriented. Dizzily attempting to make his way up to the shore, the sea monster crashed into the sea shore a few times before drifting to the other side of the island. At that point, he felt a little better and could successfully make his way up to the beach.

After a few moments of wondering about the sound, Lucas decided it was nothing. He continued along the shore line, enjoing the scenery. Just then, the water began to bubble and a great big head burst out of the water. It was read in colour and roughly twice the size of Lucas's body. And that was just its head. It slowly begins to slip out of the water.

Hero: magic rocks x6
a) Attatch the generator to the ship and try it out.
b) Stare in wonder into the water
c) Go and find Lucas
d) Faint unwillingly

Lucas: +7 ATK sword
a1) run back to our hero by the way you came
a2) Run back to our hero around the other side of the island.
a3) Take a beeline across the island to our hero
b) stay and fight
c) scream to M..
d) Jump into the water
Lurk more.

Re: New Choose your own Adventure
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2009, 22:26:16 »
M action a,d)
M: ''So, it could be something useful.  LUCAS, WE'RE READY TO-- *faints*''

Lucas action a) It seems that he's already too late. Lucas gives M a proper burial...

M: ''Hey, what are you doing? I am still alive!''
Lucas: ''Sorry...''
M: ''Well, we're ready to go to...''

a) Cheesy Volcano
b) Soda Lake
c) White Sand Beach
(These are M's actions)

On the way, they encounter a newbie who registered on December 24. His name is Ikus. He seems to have met Firecat. Both groups form a... group. M's group being the Masterfire group and Firecat's group being iKat group... Both groups go separate ways, but they seem most likely to encounter each other on their journey. Masterfire is ready to leave. The villagers at Forest Village, however, try to attack them. Lucas will now...
a) Try to attack the villagers
b) Evade all attacks

Re: New Choose your own Adventure
« Reply #11 on: December 25, 2009, 01:36:30 »
StraightFlame, I think you're adding a bit too many characters. Not to mention the "To the cave" "To the city" "To the Island" -_-
Lurk more.

Re: New Choose your own Adventure
« Reply #12 on: December 25, 2009, 07:06:13 »
Nah, iKat goes a separate way... Its just a 'Pokemon' like 'Rival' thingy.


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Re: New Choose your own Adventure
« Reply #13 on: December 25, 2009, 07:13:05 »
M: B

M: Everyone arrives at Soda Lake. Everyone there is being terrorized by a ghost named Ste.V. M is shocked, and is confused.

A. Take on Ste.V.
B. Cower in fear.
C. Just go to Cheesy Volcano.

Lucas: Lucas takes on the villagers, yet get trampled by the entire group. He feels sandals, and shoes crushing his face, and he slowly dies. He has one hope.

A. Shout "Pilchards on toast!"
B. Yea, let's shout "Pilchards on Toast!"
Ah, look at all the lonely people.

Re: New Choose your own Adventure
« Reply #14 on: December 25, 2009, 07:34:16 »
M action a)

Suddenly, M sees two paragliders with 'iKat' written on them in big, white letters. One of them dropped a weird gun. One unlike M has ever seen before.
''Maybe i could use this...''
Zip zap zaPOW! Ste-V got vaporized! For now, at least... (yay, this adds to the enemy characters!)

Lucas action a)

But M is not done yet... He seems to hear a strange, but familiar voice with a strange, familiar quote...


''Pilchards on toast? Pfargtl! Almost forgot about him!''

M swims back to the S.S. Masterfire, to eventually reach Forest Village. He seems to distract the villagers with the 'Cliche Beamgun 3000' so Lucas can escape.

Female villager: ''Een Cliche Straalgeweer 3000?'' Werkt alleen op geesten, hoor.''

Team Masterfire is reunited, and the next thing to do, is...

a) Sleep
b) Continue
c) Have lunch